Chapter 27: A Mini Yule Ball

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As she disappeared up the stairs I felt my body move. She would be there for a bit. I would have my time to speak with her.

But right now there was a different conversation that needed to be had.

I found myself running down the stairs of the tower. Ominis' calm stride only adding to my rage.

"Depulso" I cast shoving him against the wall nearly sending him down the last stairwell.

He groaned as he hit the hard stone struggling to stand straight again for a second as I closed the distance between us.

"I suppose I deserve that" he said rubbing the back of his head with his nonwand wielding hand.

"Why Ominis? Why would you do that after I told you how I felt? While you literally already have your own fucking partner!" I said keeping my wand raised.

"I needed her to know how I felt before you told her. She needed to be able to properly decide who to choose" he said finally letting his hand leave his head.

"You must be taking the piss out of me. You knew I was going to confess to her tonight. You knew-"

"Yes I knew and as you said during our last argument of this caliber she is her own person. She has the right to make her own choices. She now will have all of her options instead of just you. Or are you so afraid that she might not choose you now that she knows someone else cares for her? Afraid she won't choose you after you've hurt her so much?"

"Why did you call her Herondale?" I said moving closer to him. I'd recognized the name instantly as it had been spoken. Some pure blood family on par with the Gaunts, and Blacks. Practically royalty in the wizard community.

"You should ask her that but I'll warn you now. She won't like it" he said.

She had told him so much more than she'd told me. In the past few days I'd felt like she'd opened up to me so much more. Every small step she'd been willing to take with me she'd already not only taken with him but far surpassed it.

I had felt like I was winning her affections in a landslide but in reality he was the one that was miles ahead.

"She's pure blood?" I asked finally unable to think of any other question.

He didn't answer as he held his hands up clearly unwilling to give up any of her secrets.

I felt my thoughts swirling. The list of questions I'd written out last night. How many of those answers did he already know?

Was there really any point anymore in telling her my feelings? She'd practically chosen him already.

"She ended our night early because she wanted to see you" he said putting his hands back down to his sides.

"What?" I said letting my thoughts stop their swirling momentarily.

"She speaks about you constantly Sebastian. She cares for both of us. You're not ignorant to it and neither am I. But in the end you have to respect whoever she chooses. Just as I will" he said before his wand began to blink again.

"If it's any consolation, I wish you good luck" he said before making his way down the stairs and out of my sight.


As I made my way up the last set of stairs I could see her at the balcony gazing upwards at the sky.

The moonlight illuminated her well. The shadows it cast through her curls the way her eyes twinkled almost as brightly as the stars above.

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