Chapter 53: The Badger Converses With The Snakes

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What was that? What did she do?

I've never seen magic like that. It was horrifying to see yet at the same time so brilliant to watch.

What had she taken from her mother?

She'd never spoken about the woman, I mean she barely brought up any of her family but her mother always seemed to be a more taboo topic than the rest of them.

The only thing I'd ever seen in her memories even had been the cruelty the woman displayed towards her. Nothing else about their dynamic had ever been shown.

I can't imagine a person hating their child the way she had seemed to. A child being driven to such lengths when all they wanted was to be loved by the person who gave them life.

Come to think of it. Victoria, or I guess Althea, wasn't born with access to that magic. How had her mother treated her before she had it? Did it make it better or worse if her mother only started despising her after she'd grown old enough to understand it?

I debated pouring the second vial. Just getting it all in one go but something told me it was best to save the rest for another time. Let what I'd just seen fully sink in before adding more to the pile.

Perhaps I wouldn't need to see them at all. After all, I wasn't going to be around for much longer anyway.


"Finally using your Christmas gift?" I asked as I stood in front of the two girls on the bench in the bottom of the defense against the dark arts tower. Watching the curly haired witch place the written upon pages against her chest so I couldn't see them. The customized title now showing plainly on the front.

Poppy sat next to her. Her fellow Hufflepuff shooting me a look that clearly was meant to be encouragement as Victoria spoke. "Can I help you, Sebastian?" She asked as she looked up at me. Her brown eyes shining with annoyance.

"I used the first Christmas gift you gave me." I said plainly, not wanting to reveal anything in front of Poppy about her shared memories.

"Okay...?" She asked as she leaned back in her seat, clearly uninterested in the conversation i was trying to provide.

Poppy smacked her arm, shooting her a glare as the curly haired girl turned her attention to her. "Be nice!" Poppy said firmly.

Victoria gave a heavy sigh, like a child who'd just been forced to interact with a cousin they despised at a family function.

"I'm sorry." She said begrudgingly as she placed the book back down, revealing several lines of written word, closing it before I could even begin to try and read them. "Tell me more." She said.

"I um... in present company?" I asked as I glanced at Poppy. Both girls faces filling with confusion.

"What did you give him?" Poppy asked, looking to the girl as she threw her hands up.

"I didn't.... Oh, that, um, give us a moment won't you? I'll see you in the dorm room later." Victoria said.

Poppy shot a glare at the girl before getting up, grasping my arm as if to say good luck as she made her way towards the transfiguration courtyard, towards their common room.

"Do you mind if I sit down? Or are all bets off now that Poppy is gone?" I asked in a small teasing tone.

I had no idea if she'd actually be willing to talk to me, or if any of my questions would be answered. But I had to try.

"Just sit, Sallow. Before I change my mind." She said firmly as she patted the seat next to her where Poppy had just been. "Now go on, what is it you wanted to tell me?" She asked as she looked over at me, her face still full of confusion and curiosity.

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