Chapter 30: Slytherin Vs. Gryffindor

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The Friday energy was intoxicating. The halls decked out in green and red like it was Christmas in the fall.

Despite everyone wearing their school uniforms most had face paint on to support their favored team.

My eyes were glued to Victoria as she laid on the desk in History of Magic. She was fast asleep along with Ominis next to her their pinkies barely grazing on the table.

She wore green flowers that were braided into her hair as a sign of support for the snakes.

Unfortunately she was banned from attending todays game due to the events yesterday. Fig had said he couldn't let her go punishment free.

Our ghostly professor continued with his lecture passing directly through Ominis as he spoke. Causing my friend to stir momentarily lifting his head in the air.

As he turned his head I suppose he could hear her breathing. As he realized she was asleep next to him he moved his hand to let their fingers intertwine and laid back down on the table ready to go back to his peaceful nap.

From her sleeping state she let off a small smile closing her hand around his.

"Always knew the Gaunts were a no good lot." A ravenclaw girl whispered from a row ahead of me.

I could barely pay attention to the words as I was half asleep myself, watching my friends peaceful interaction.

"I know, for him to be so openly disloyal is insane" a ravenclaw boy replied to her clearly seeing their hand holding.

"They're just close friends from what I hear. I think you're looking into it too much" A Gryffindor boy commented trying to defend the pair.

"Heard she's banned from todays match. I'll bet you anything he doesn't show up either. Probably will sneak away with her while Hills is distracted" the ravenclaw girl said while giggling.

I felt my eyes begin to fully shut as they all giggled letting myself fall into my own little nap.

She was laid out on the picnic blanket we'd been on for our enchanted forest date. The location now being well lit with the evening sun.

She had her eyes closed. Not asleep but just resting peacefully and enjoying the noises that surrounded us. A moment to just enjoy the others presence.

I allowed my hand to trace over the Hufflepuff patch of her uniform. Her entire attire being just what she wore today. Her robes laid over her legs being used as a makeshift blanket.

"Sebastian if you keep undressing me with your eyes I'm gonna catch cold" She giggled not even opening her eyes to know I was staring at her.

"Do you think if I undressed you with my hands you'd be any warmer?" I chuckled raising my hand to cup her cheek.

She placed her hand over mine smiling as she kissed the inside of my palm. "Probably best to keep it to your imagination" she said softly.

She looked so peaceful just basking in the sunlight. She was practically wrapped in it the way her golden clothes reflected the color back at me.

She turned her head a bit crinkling some of the green flowers that rested in her hair.

"Careful" I mumbled moving my hand to attempt to save the little buds.

"Why? What happened?" She asked finally opening her eyes to attempt to see what was going wrong.

The brilliant emerald color greeted me. The same way it did in her memories. She wasn't shaking, wasn't panicking. This was just her. Powerful, strong, enchanting.

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