Chapter 18: Finding Distractions

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I jolted forward in my bed the sweat dripping off of my body. The cool morning air of our dormitory gripping my wet form.

I struggled to catch my breath, the nightmares taking their toll as they had for the past few days.

The sound of her scream echoed in my head night after night tormenting me. The vision of her on the stone floor with the red sparks around her were there every time I closed my eyes.

I placed my hand on my chest trying to force my heartbeat to slow down. I looked to my side hoping to see Ominis in his own bed.

He wasn't there, which shouldn't have surprised me in the slightest.

After the visit to the scriptorium he had taken to getting in bed early and leaving before I woke up. Absolutely no time to talk about the events that had occurred.

I sighed, grabbing a change of clothes and towel before making my way over to the Slytherin boys showers. The room at the end of our hallway giving me a bit of comfort.

As I entered the small tiled room the four separate shower stalls were all empty. The break not having left many people behind to fill them. I was alone.

I placed my clothes next to the sink and gazed at my reflection in the mirror.

My eyes appeared sunken in from the nights for restlessness, the sweat on my face made my hair stick to me in patches, the familiar speckled marks of my freckles looked almost nonexistent against my pale appearance.

I sighed and began stripping out of the clothing from the night before. Moving towards the nearest shower and turning it on.

The cold water shifted on and began hitting at the tile floor loudly. The sound filling the small space as it reverberated and echoed.

I leaned my back against the wall as I waited for the water to heat up. Closing my eyes for a second.

"Sebastian! release her!" Ominis' voice echoed in my head as the red flashes haunted my vision.

I pulled myself up and placed myself under the freezing cold water trying to shake away the image. "Stop it, she told you to" I whispered to myself. As if the words would somehow fix the feelings I had.

I'd told myself this so many times. She'd told me to cast it. I offered to teach her. She could have casted it on me.

I let the cold water envelope me as I remembered the pain in her eyes as she'd looked at me. The way she'd silently begged me to say something to her. Anything to her.

I should have spoken. I should have said anything in that moment to her. But what could I have said?

I lathered soup in my hands and began scrubbing away at my body, working to get the feeling off of me. This torture was something I wished so badly would go down the drain along with the sweat and muck.


I made my way along the path towards lower Hogsfield as I heard a commotion through the trees. "Be careful" a small girls voice yelled followed by the commotion of barking dogs.

I ventured off of the path quickly making my way towards the sounds.

A small girl was cowering behind a tree as I approached, her small blond ponytails being gripped against her head as she held them for some kind of support.

She wore a pink summers dress that was clearly dirty from the scene in front of her.

"Be careful!" She repeated as she peaked around the tree to look ahead of her.

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