Chapter 36: Slytherin Vs. Hufflepuff

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The next week and a half passed my far too quickly. To the point where it was time for the next Hufflepuff Quidditch match and I didn't even realize until I saw the banners of gold and green lining the hallways.

I entered the great hall my team waving me down as they sat near the Gryffindor quidditch team.

I was instantly placed between Poppy and Garreth. The two teams discussing the match before last that I haven't even been permitted to attend.

"They planned to take Nellie out. How much do you want a bet they'll do the same this game for Victoria?" Garreth said to my own teammates.

Poppy defended them instantly. "She's friends with most of the team. They wouldn't hurt her like that! Sebastian wouldn't allow it!" She said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

I looked over at my two beaters Charlotte Morrison and the Guy with extremely long dark hair that I only knew by first name. "Oliver, Charlotte, guess it's up to you guys to protect me. And If you take out Sallow in the process I'll give you any potion ingredients you need for the rest of term." I said before picking myself back up. I didn't want to discuss the game anymore.

"Lenora feel free to continue discussing strategies. I need some time alone before this afternoon" I said as I turned away and began to head out of the hall.

As I managed to get out to the small corridor outside before I felt hands tug at my robes. I turned to see Poppy who had apparently decided to follow me.

"What was that? You want Sebastian to get hurt?" She asked and I crossed my arms over my chest. "He's a beater they hurt other players constantly. Plus he hurt Nellie." I said remembering her at the last game.

After her incident with the Slytherins their game against Ravenclaw had been something horrible to watch.

She wasn't able to focus. Constantly thinking someone was going to hurt her again. Luckily the chasers did an insane job and the ravenclaw seeker hadn't been paying attention to the actual score.

Gryffindor had taken the win against Ravenclaw 190 to 170.

"I don't think they intended to hit her as hard as they did. And I definitely don't think they would have planned that. Sebastian wouldn't allow it." Poppy said and I couldn't help but scoff at her words.

"Why are you defending him? If you think he and Mayfield won't come after me today then you're completely delusional." I said attempting to turn and walk away from the conversation.

"What has gotten into you?! You haven't been coming back to Dorms, you're barely focused in classes-" "Why are you keeping tabs on me?" I asked taking a step back.

Her words were true. During classes I felt unmotivated using the time to draw or plan my next course of action when it came to Ranroks loyalists.

As for not coming back to the dorms. Ominis and I had found the large bed in the Room of requirement much more comfortable after long evenings spent with the pensive and being next to him helped me sleep soundly at night.

While trying to lower my dosage on my medication sleep had been the most difficult part. The voices and memories seeming to haunt me relentlessly. Ominis was an emotional touchstone which I could always count on to quiet them.

"I thought we were friends Victoria. I just want to know what's going on with you." Poppy said defending her close eye on me.

Her expression was pleading. Begging for me to let her past my walls.

"I'm sorry you're right I just..." before I could even try the familiar brown curls appeared behind her.

Sebastian Sallow was with Micheal Mayfield and Imelda Reyes laughing as they entered the corridor with us.

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