Chapter 45: Lets Take A Walk

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"You.... You did.... what...?" She asked the heartbreak clear in her voice.



At the sound of her words I seemed to finally push through these damned voices that had been torturing me throughout the past two weeks.

What was I doing? This wasn't me. I didn't want to hurt her. I never wanted to hurt her. She was telling the truth. She wasn't a cheater. Especially not with someone she knows is my best friend.

Everything seemed to click together as I remembered the way I'd been ignoring her here in Feldcroft. Spacing myself from her at night back at Hogwarts. And the way I'd yelled at her for her friendship in general with Sebastian.

These voices were what told me the lies that had made me so angry before. These voices had pressed me to kiss Anne everytime she and I had been alone.

I had never wanted to do that. I wanted to tell her as soon as we were alone how much I loved Victoria. Apologize for letting the letters continue. But instead I'd held her to me when we were almost caught, the voices begging to let Victoria and Sebastian watch my terrible deed.

I moved forward and attempted to grasp her arm. I needed her tone to shift. I couldn't hear that heartbreak anymore. Surely she would understand if I explained it to her. She heard voices too. She'd told me so herself.

"Victoria. I had thought you-" "Don't you dare." She said as she stepped away from me taking herself out of my grasp as soon as she was in it. "How could you?" She asked, anger beginning to rise in her voice.

"I have done absolutely nothing to deserve the treatment I've received from you. I work day after day trying to find a way to seal and destroy my magic so maybe you could actually care for the person in front of you instead of half of the person you pretend I am.

I have to keep everything about my past hidden constantly because I know you and your oh so perfect moral compass can't handle anything darker than the bloody blasting curse.

I shouldn't be surprised. I don't know why I am, honestly. After all you're a Gaunt. I should have expected you'd be just as putrid as the retched blood that flows through your veins."

No. That's not true. It's just my name. I'm nothing like them. She doesn't mean that.

"Victoria that's enough" Sebastian called to her but it was perfectly clear she wasn't listening anymore.

"I have done everything for you. I tried to give you sight. I defended you during every argument. Every time I made decisions I would chose based on what you'd want. I made sure that everytime I had to go through trials that no one died so that I could come back to you with no blood on my hands." She said her voice rising but I could hear the tears she was holding back.

She was letting her anger take control but I could hear all of the sadness right behind it. If she could just listen to me I could try and fix it. I just want to fix it.

I can't lose her.

Not like this.


I watched her. Feeling completely helpless as she kept berating him. Her hands clenching and unclenching at her side like she wanted to hurt him with so much more than her words.

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