Chapter 15: Anne Sallow

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I looked up to see the Hamplet, it sat on its own little hill, tree trunks had been turned into a type of barricade along the outside. There were only a handful of buildings that made a small circle around a central well. The residents all wandering about inside of the small place.

"I'm not sure how I'd fare in a small place like this" I muttered causing a chuckle to pass by Sebastian's lips. "It's where I grew up"

I turned around to see if Ominis had caught up. He was jogging a bit as he came back into view, his wand blinking the red tip shining brightly. His traveling cloak flapped around his lower half. His face determined to catch up with us.

"You're staring Amante" Sebastian teased next to me. My gaze broke away as I looked up at him. "Are you jealous Sebastian?" I asked and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"No my Dear. I am not" he said shifting my shirt to gaze at the bottom of my neck. "Bruises look good on you by the way" he whispered in my ear before placing a soft kiss on my cheek.


As we entered the small familiar looking Hamlet Ominis took hold of my arm. I wanted to pull away from the touch but I decided to let it slide as I was out of my element.

He pulled me back to be sure that Sebastian could enter his home first.

Not that Sebastian even knew of our presence anymore. As soon as we crossed the threshold to the Hamlet he headed directly for a small cottage surrounded by a small garden.

We followed behind him entering the small house just after he did.

It was a quaint open setting a few strewn pieces of furniture. Here and there. In the center a small dining room table was placed with four chairs surrounding it.

Facing away from us sat the thin form of a girl with brown hair tied up in a bun. A green shawl wrapped around her as she wrote in some kind of journal.

Behind us entered an older gentleman probably in his late forty's who I could only assume was Sebastian's uncle Solomon.

Sebastian snuck up behind the girl placing his hands on her shoulders from behind. "Aha!" He yelled watching her jump as he startled her. Her face when she noticed who it was turned to Instant joy as she stood up.

"Sebastian!" She exclaimed jumping up to greet her brother. They embraced, holding each other like no one else existed. Their love was just so perfect.

When they parted Sebastian reached into his pocket and pulled out the Shrivelfig he'd stolen from me during potions class. "Is that...?" Anne started.

Sebastian smiled at his sister "it is" he said but before anything else his uncle strode across the room and snatched it out of his hand.

"We've been over this Sebastian." He said and with a flick of his wand the shrivelfig began to burn. "Shrivelfigs cannot reverse a curse. Nothing can." He dropped the plant in the nearby basin as it smoldered and disintegrated into nothing.

"But we haven't tried everything." Sebastian pleaded. Anne began to back up gripping the table. The start of fighting clearly giving no benefit to her health.

I wanted to reach forward and help but Ominis' grip on me remained firm.

"There is. No. Cure." Solomon said glaring at his nephew. Their heights were equal but you could tell that the power Solomon held over Sebastian was still there. "When will you accept that boy?"

"Never! I will never accept something like that!" He yelled back at his uncle before Anne let out a pained cry. She clutched her chest clearly in pain.

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