Chapter 24: The Catacomb

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The cold air of the approaching winter snuck its way under my jacket as I made my way to the small footbridge at the front of the school.

Sebastian stood there waiting patiently, a long dark cloak covering his kaki slacks and dark upper ensemble.

As I approached he let off a smile holding up a singular white rose. "Ready to go?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh at his gesture.

"Do you always give girls flowers before bringing them to a gravesite?" I asked and he smirked at me.

He tucked the flower behind my ear having already stripped away its thorns and admired my face for a brief second.

"They don't always agree to come with me, glad you said yes" he said holding out his arm to me.

I took hold of it as he spoke "Have you ever apparated before?" I gave a small nod, "only a handful of times and always with a partner" I admitted and he nodded.

In a moment the scenery had changed placing us at the mountainside.

The feeling was like being punched in the gut. I coughed and held back the urge to throw up as I grasped onto my knees.

"I thought you'd said you'd done it before" he said and I let out a soft laugh in between coughs.

"I was fifteen the last time I did it" I said and he let out a laugh. "Floo flames from now on then?" He asked and I gave a nod as I stood up to regain my composure.

He placed a hand on my back and guided me to the archway of an entrance letting out a heavy breath as gazed in.

"Are you ready?" He asked. "Are you?" I replied back. Our eyes met for just a second, his determination almost reflecting mine.

This is how we were going to save his sister. This is how his dark path was going to end.

As we entered the catacomb I felt almost a weighted blanket coat my shoulders. The aura making me feel unwelcome in such a place.

The gravesite itself felt like it was telling me to leave. I felt my energy draining a bit as we continued our walk but I kept silent not wanting to add any stress onto our journey.

The stone walls echoed with every step as we walked through, the several panels within the wall sealed off or broken to reveal the skeletal remains behind them.

Sebastian seemed completely unfazed by the remains as we walked through but to his relief, neither was I.


Her small frame strode forward in the cold area her green dress which fell to her knees tight against her body.

She let her jacket fall off of her shoulders resting at her elbows leaving some of her upper body exposed.

"We aren't alone in here" she said suddenly drawing her wand as a clicking noise began to make itself known. It continued moving from a slight annoyance until it raised in volume to something you couldn't ignore.

Thornback Spiders descended from a small room high above our own. Climbing down the walls one at a time. One always seeming to come down after another.

"Confringo" I cast letting the first catch on fire flicking my wrist so the small spark would travel to the second.

The creatures screamed as they fell to the ground their body's erupting in flames as they ran back and forth.

I heard her casting watching a spider hit the back wall hard with several cuts opening up at the impact.

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