Chapter 8: Take To The Fields

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"Please don't make me go with you, there are so many better things to do." Poppy said as she sat in her four poster bed in our dorm room.

It had been a week since we had found the room of requirement and a week since the incident at the underground. Rumors in the dormitories had turned away from me for the time being and shifted into talk of this years upcoming quidditch season.

I had spoken in passing to Sebastian a few times and visited the undercroft again to practice my more firey forms of magic as well as the ancient magic I was beginning to hone with professor fig.

Ominis was avoiding me like the plague and I couldn't be more glad for it. Every time I saw or heard his name I felt my blood boil and my anger from that night rise again.

But today would be different. Today I had no men to worry about. No spells to practice. Just me, my broom, and if I could convince her, my best friend.

I looked at her and did my best attempt at puppy dog eyes. "Just this once Poppy please, you don't even have to try I just can't go a this alone."

As her frown didn't shift I got on my knees in front of her bed making her shift slightly at the surprising new position. I placed my clasped hands in her lap. "I'm begging Poppy. Please come with me. Please Please Please" she sighed audibly.

"Fine but I'm not trying and If I make the team you owe me" she said giving me a friendly glare.

"But you'd look so good in a Quidditch uniform." I said smiling at her as her cheeks went pink.

Today was the first day of Quidditch try outs for the Hufflepuff house. Unfortunately Hufflepuff as a whole seemed less than into the idea. We apparently had quite a streak of being the fourth house to place every single year the sport was played.

The past two years the sport had been canceled due to the Head Master who had a stigma against anything fun. But this year he'd finally had enough petitions and complaints to bring back the sport that he finally obliged.

Every other house was nonstop talking about the tryouts some even placing bets on who team captains would be. Top contenders being Everett Clopton for Ravenclaw, Imelda Reyes for Slytherin, Nellie Oggspire for Gryffindor, and Lenora Tugwood for Hufflepuff.

The tryouts were going to be run by the staff with the head of each house being present along with two nonpartial professors.

Of course that just meant Professor Ronan and Professor Onai would be sitting in for all try outs.

I glanced up at the clock as Poppy pulled on her clothing. The Hufflepuff practice Jersey I had snagged for her hung loosely on her small Frame but the tight running pants fitting her like a glove. I handed her a skirt to go over the outfit knowing it wasn't best for any redheaded Gryffindors to be seeing her without something more to cover up.

She frowned at herself in the mirror "I look like a tent in this" she said before I came up behind her and started tugging at the fabric of the shirt. After a few well placed tugs finally came into view her lovely figure being something to admire.

I tied a small elastic to the loose fabric and cast a binding spell on it to make it stay in place for at least the tryouts.

She did a few poses in the mirror before turning to look at me. "Best not get too handsy Amante or people will start to think some things about you" she said with a giggle.

I shot back a flirtatious grin. "They are already talking about me. Maybe at least this time they can claim I'm sleeping with someone worthy of my time." I said giving her a peck on the forehead before turning her back to face the mirror.

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