Chapter 39: Talk Of The Future

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I walked into the room of requirement. The dim light making it a hard to see as I made my way forward.

I pulled my wand and cast Lumos a large shadowy figure suddenly coming into view not three feet in front of me.

I screamed and fell backwards landing directly on my butt. "Darling what's wrong?" Ominis asked as he leaned down next to me now coming into full view.

"Ominis why are you just standing around menacingly in the dark?!" I asked as I grasped his arm and pulled myself up again with him.

"Um, I didn't realize I was in the dark my love Im sorry" he said and with a wave of his wand the dim light around the room became brighter.

He'd grown so adept at using the room. I was always a bit jealous of it to be honest.

There were times when I tried my hardest to focus on a want and it wouldn't appear yet Ominis seemed to know exactly how to get anything and everything the room could possibly offer him.

"Better?" He asked as he took a step towards me. My chest grazing his as he reached a hand up to touch my hair.

"Much better" I giggled and got on my tiptoes to peck his lips. "Were you waiting long?" I asked.

"Not too long." He said as he took a few steps back towards our bed pulling me along with him. "But long enough" he teased.

I giggled and pushed him down onto the mattress. He chuckled and held his hands out as I climbed on top of him straddling his hips as he placed his hands on mine.

"Oh I'm sure" I giggled as I leaned down and kissed his lips again holding his face in my hands.

This had become a little ritual for us. A little make out session that he would always stop from going too far. And I would typically pull it from my head so he could have the memory any time he wanted to see it.

He let his thumbs graze over my hips before flipping us to be on our sides. His gentle kiss never leaving mine.

I placed my leg between his and lifted the other to be at his hip. He smiled against my lips and pulled away for a moment. "You're very forward sometimes my love." He said as he placed his hand at my thigh a bright blush coming off his cheeks as he realized he was touching bare skin.

I'd run out of leggings. My last ones being soaking wet due to my laying in the snow.

I giggled at his reaction. The poor boy hadn't reacted much better when I'd shown him past memories where I was typically very under dressed.

"Ms. Amante why-" "Just enjoy it Ominis." I said softly as I pulled him back into our kiss.

He gripped my thigh tightly and kissed me with a newfound hunger. He raised his other hand to my chest letting his hand play with my breast over my shirt.

I let out a soft moan into his mouth as I pulled him closer. He took advantage of my moment of weakness and slid his tongue into my mouth letting it explore as it pleased.

I placed my hand over the one he had at my thigh and pulled it closer wanting to go a bit further tonight than we typically did.

He pulled away instantly his breathless voice taunting my ears. "Victoria we can't" he whispered.

I let out a soft whimper. "Just a bit?" I asked as I placed a kiss at his neck trying to keep the intimate moment going.

He let out a soft gasp but shook his head. "You're a lady. I can't do that to..." his voice trailed off as I bit him gently and pulled myself closer to him.

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