Chapter 25: The Face in The Mirror

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My legs kept moving. Pulling me farther and farther away from the scene.

I had promised myself not to cast those spells again. I wanted to leave the dark magic behind me.

Why couldn't I just be good?

After what could have been minutes or hours, meet feet or miles away, I managed to find a small cottage, no more than an room and a half, boarded up windows and doors. Clearly abandoned. The perfect place to hide for now.

I pulled frantically at the boards finally able to get a window to open just enough that I could pull myself inside.

My body was shaking as I placed myself on the rickety chair that sat in the center of the dusty old space.

It was clear no one had been here in a very long time. The layer of dust over the furniture was thick.

I looked around at what I'd found, a simple table and chair decorated the center of the room, a chair and large wardrobe pushed in the corner to make a small sleeping area.

I placed the flask on the table in front of me fidgeting with the cap with shaky hands as I struggled to open it.

"Don't" I heard my own voice speaking in my ear as I finally got the top off.

A standing mirror on the other side of the room was caked in dust but I'd been through this many times before in my moments of weakness. I wish I knew how to just ignore her.

"Don't drink it, it makes you weak" the voice spoke again.

"It makes me better!" I exclaimed back finally rising and striding to the mirror.

A quick movement of my sleeve over the glass surface revealed my green eyed reflection the smiling face staring back at me not an accurate representation of my current face.

As the voice spoke again her lips moved to match it speaking my darker thoughts aloud. "What's the point? They think you're a monster!" She said a sadistic laugh echoing in my head after.

"They don't, if I just explain they'll understand-" "Understand what? That you're pretending to be this little goody goody? That you aren't even half the person you claim to be?" She sneered.

"I'm making myself into a better person, I'm becoming a better person!" I yelled back at the cruel image.

"Yet you're one lost drop away from becoming me again" she said and I shook my head. "Best to just drop it now. Go run back to Daddy and beg for his forgiveness so maybe someone can accept you for the monster you are"

"Shut up, leave me alone." I said taking a step back from the reflection. She took a step forward instead her green eyes piercing me.

"They heard what you did to that woman. You think Ominis wants someone with your darkness? Think Sebastian will still want to use you when he finds out you could have healed Anne from the very beginning?"

"Shut up" I said feeling my frustration rising.

"They'll probably turn you into the ministry themselves. Some friends you've made. Can't even tell them the truth"

"Shut up" I shut my eyes turning away to try and ignore her words.

"Stop playing your childish games. You know what you are!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I screamed at the image finally letting my fist land at the glass shattering the image into a thousand jagged copies of itself.

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