Chapter 7: A Newfound Interest

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I didn't head back to my common room. After hearing Ominis' words I realized how far this drama had really gone no matter how hard I'd tried to stay away from it.

I wandered the staircases. Heading higher and higher into the castle until I made my way to the astronomy tower. I needed a place to think.

I sighed, finally landing myself in front of one of my favorite tapestries. A man was dancing in front of several trolls dawned in tutus. He was attempting to teach them ballet and failing miserably over and over again.

I heard a noise coming from above me and cursed under my breath before casting disillusionment and scurrying my way to the corner.

I need a place to hide. Somewhere to just be away from everything for a few hours.

As if in response the wall opposite of the tapestry began to shift and change becoming a brown door embossed with many bars of intricate metal designs.

"Who's there? You know it's well past curfew." I heard the voice of the Ravenclaw prefect, Amit, say before I quickly made my way past the door. Sealing myself in the mysterious room I'd never noticed before.

The space in front of me couldn't even be described as a room but more as a space. The walls extended farther than I could see in every direction. Stacks upon stacks upon stacks of random knickknacks adorned the floor, making pillars of junk that were destined to fall at any moment.

I wanted so badly to explore the place but the fear of being lost inside this maze was a bit too much. I looked around at the space at the front entrance.

There was nothing I believed that wouldn't be found in this room. I was almost certain of it.

I took my wand out and raised it to the ceiling of the room. "Accio Broom" I said and a soft whistle could be heard as three completely different brooms came flying in my direction. Stopping inches before slamming into my body.

One was a school broom that I was sure they'd been looking for ages for, wrapped in Gryffindor red. The next had embers dancing on its needles clearly enchanted so that it would never fully burn despite its continued smoldering.

I took hold of the third broom. A sleek model that carried over its needles a small picnic basket. It's contents covered up with a red and white piece of patterned cloth.

I swung my leg over it the seat fitting me like a glove. I hope no one misses this because it felt perfect and I was definitely planning on keeping it.

I kicked off the ground and made my way towards the top of the space deciding to find my way to the very back. The pillars never seeming to end.

Eventually something caught the corner of my eye. A small golden ball which seemed to almost buzz as it moved. It flew back and forth and I smiled before quickly making chase.

This was one hell of a distraction.



As I sat against the wall rereading my letter to Anne I heard the familiar clicking of the undercroft door opening up.

"Come back for your robes? I already fixed them for you, wouldn't want you walking around with them singed like that" I said without looking up.

I'd noticed right away that she'd left her robes here but I was in no rush to return them. After all i planned on seeing her a bit more often from now on.

I heard the footsteps approaching me and finally looked up as I saw the set of legs enter my vision.

Definitely not Victoria.

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