Chapter 9: A Friendly New Face

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The smell of the honey dukes gift shop was overwhelming as we walked inside. The sweet scent sticking in my nose as we walked the shop.

As many excuses as I'd given to release Garreths arm he always found his way back again to offer it. I felt awful doing it but each time he did I took it not wanting to sour this impromptu double date for Poppy.

"You know I believe I'm onto something with my newest brew. I'm attempting to make a Fizzing Wizz Beer" he said confidently as he picked up the candy ajasent of his new experiment.

"Isn't making a new drink different than brewing a potion?" I asked reaching for the every flavored beans next to me.

I popped one in my mouth and felt my face pucker. The taste of cabbage flooding my mouth. The taste wasn't horrible just highly unexpected. Weasley laughed next to me at my reaction.

"When they say every flavor they mean every flavor" he chuckled. I smiled at him tossing him one of the beans "let's see if your luck is better than mine." I said confidently.

He popped the bean into his mouth and put on a fake smile as he chewed. The disgust being not well hidden by his bad acting. "Peach my favorite" he said.

I got up close to him. Our faces being just inches from each other. "Care to prove it?" I asked watching the boys face turn the same shade as his Jersey.

I laughed before backing away from him and grazing the other shelves. "What flavor did you really get?" I asked and he sighed "earwax, I swear I've gotten that like ten times now" he said.

I decided in that moment those beans were not the kind of treat for me. I continued grazing looking at a box that looked like normal hard candies.

"How about these?" I asked holding up the box. "They'll turn your tongue whatever color it is for hours" he said and I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of Sebastian with a green tongue. I tucked the box under my arm and moved on with the group as we made our way to the front counter.

I placed the box of hard candies on the counter along with sugar quills and four chocolate frogs. As my total came through I reached into my pocket pulling out the needed coins and placing them on the counter.

Our treats paid for we exited the shop and started walking the town square to join the rest of civilization.

We were not nearly the only ones that had the idea of Hogsmeade after tryouts. Or in some case before. Several other students dressed in the red, yellow, and blue practice jerseys speckled the streets. With my bag in hand I gave a small tug at Poppy's sleeve signaling me being ready to leave.

"Just a little longer." She whispered to me. "Please"

I sighed and nodded not wanting to spoil her fun "anyone up for the three broomsticks?" I asked before feeling a slight tug as Weasley stumbled next to me.

On his other side a boy dressed identically to him stood arm around his shoulder in a friendly manner. "I could go for a butter beer" the stranger spoke.

He wore the Gryffindor try out jersey with a set of sweatpants clearly having changed slightly since the field. A green scarf wrapped loosely around his neck which made little sense in this heat. He had bright red wavy hair that fell in waves to frame his pale face. Round glasses framed his Hazel eyes a lopsided smile decorating his face.

"You weren't invited, Benji" Leander said holding up his hand that was intertwined with Poppy's in an attempt to show that this was meant to be a date.

Since when did they start holding hands?

"Oh come on I want to be around others when our results come in. Besides Poppy and I go way back." He said smiling at the girl who seemed more than happy with the new addition to our party.

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