Chapter 52: The First Christmas Vial

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I made my way into the undercroft finally just feeling like I needed a break from the days of focusing on the relic as I gripped the vials in my hand.

After our encounter in and after class yesterday, plus my dreams last night, I found that it was finally time to look them over, hopefully bring me to understand a bit more about the girl that plagued my thoughts.

I hadn't been down here in some time. Always worried I would run into Ominis and Victoria doing something I didn't want to see.

As I closed the secondary door I quickly realized this space hadn't been touched since I had last left it. Since she and I had last left it.

Her sketchbook was still laid out on the floor, the vial of ink long dried and stuck to the stone.

I tried my best to keep the memories out of my head as I made my way to the pensive.

I sighed as I uncorked the first memory letting it pour into the basin before dipping my head inside.

The swirls took longer to create the scene, almost as if they were debating on actually showing me the memories or not.

Suddenly the image came into view. Four siblings in an unfamiliar courtyard standing in a line. Nathan, then Nimue, then Victoria, then Veronica.

The siblings all looked much younger than I'd seen them before. The twins probably around the age of third or fourth years. Victoria didn't even have her scar yet.

All four wore identical battle gear. Black thin trousers with black shirts covered in buckles and straps that I probably couldn't have gotten on if I wanted to.

Each had a lavender harness around their right leg, holding their wands at the ready as they stared forward at the trio in front of them.

Victorias father. Edwin as I now knew his name to be was glaring distastefully down at the littlest sister. Her form thinner and less pronounced than the other three.

"Perhaps If you'd spend more time training instead of writing those silly stories you'd be someone worth putting on display" Victor Rookwood said from next to Edwin, speaking the other man's thoughts out loud.

"Perhaps if you two didn't have such large egos they wouldn't need to train so much" Victorias mother said causing an involuntary laugh from Nathan.

"Excuse me boy?" Edwin said moving over to his eldest child who instantly attempted to go back to his formal stance.

"My apologies Father" he said before Edwin grabbed onto one of the straps of his training uniform pulling the boy forward.

"You are meant to be the only one carrying on our name and yet you're one of the weakest in the bunch. Relying on toys and relics to keep your head above water" he said before pushing the eldest back into place.

"Princess, show your brother again who should be head of the family once I'm gone." He said simply before taking a step back.

"Gladly" Victoria replied before stepping forward and walking to the center of the courtyard.

Nathan took a sharp breath clearly frustrated at the idea of fighting her but stepped forward making his way across from her.

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