Chapter 79: Pull Your Mind Out Of The Gutter

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It had been four days since the party. Four days of sneaking behind closed doors with Ominis to plan the round the world trip for his wife. Four days of rigorous sword training as Althea had a newfound energy to expel. And four days that ended in such exhaustion I could barely move.

I plopped down face first onto the large quilt that decorated my private rooms bed.

A nap. One little nap and I'd be good to go. That's all I need.

I closed my eyes slowly, listening to the sounds of the evening that seemed to sneak their way in.

I was beginning to ease into the feeling until I heard my door open, followed my a dip in the mattress that made it evident which of my companions had joined me.

"If you're here seeking companionship I'd suggest approaching your husband." I teased not even bothering to open my eyes.

She let out a sarcastic laugh before I felt her lips at my cheek. Two loving gentle kisses were placed on me before her mouth shifted to my ear. "Take off your shirt Sallow."

I let my eyes open as she leaned back, holding up a bottle of... oil? 

"I'm really far too exhausted for-" "Get your mind out of the gutter it's to ease your muscles." She smiled before reaching down to help me undress.

I rose my body up off the bed and peeled off my shirt. She gave my torso a once over before shuffling over to me on the bed and lathering her hands with the concoction.

The moment her hands touched my shoulders I felt a surge of warmth flood my body. The sensation seemed to invade the stiff joints and tense muscles with ease even before her magical fingers began to work.

I groaned and leaned into her touch without meaning to as she let out a small giggle. "You're overworking your body my love. You know you don't have to learn swordplay if you don't want to. I'd hate to keep leaving you so worn out." She said letting a bit of teasing come through.

"If I get to have you massage me after. I'll have to overwork myself more often." I said.

She continued to work my shoulders before moving down to my arms themselves, then my torso all the way down to my legs. She took great care in every location, making sure to work through the pain I hadn't even realized was building up inside me.

"You're an Angel." I said after letting out another small moan as her fingers worked.

She laughed, a beautiful symphony of noise that would never fail to make my heart rise in my chest. "Let me go get you something to eat." She said as she rose up from the mattress.

I smiled and caught her wrist before she could escape me. Those beautiful eyes turned to me, her eyebrow raising as I sat up.

"You can let me eat you." I suggested letting my tongue graze my bottom lip for emphasis.

She gave me one of those delighted shivers but shook her head. "Like I said Sallow, get your mind out of the gutter." She moved forward and gave me a kiss on the lips.

What she intended to be a peck i lengthened with ease, tugging her back on the bed so she could land on top of me.

"Seb!" She managed to get my name out as I readjusted my hands to her hips.

"You expect to have your hands work magic like that and not be rewarded?" I asked as I shifted her hips back and forth on top of me, letting her feel what she'd caused.

She let out a small whimper as she placed her hands on my chest, still a bit slick from the concoction she'd rubbed in.

"You're still sore." She insisted, the words uncertain. My girl is trying to convince herself to leave at this point.

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