Chapter 44: Christmas Day

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When I finally woke up I saw Ominis was already awake his form leaned against the wall near our Christmas tree.

He had a candy cane in his mouth. His eyes closed as he was clearly lost in thought.

"Good morning handsome" I said as I rose from the bed and stretched out. Looking around I happily realized I was alone with him.

I stood up and moved across the room to sit next to him. Placing my hand on his leg as I did.

"Merry Christmas Ominis" I said softly as I kissed his cheek. His pale eyes finally opening up as I did.

"Merry Christmas Anne." He said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into his grasp letting my head rest on his shoulder.

He touched my hair it being currently down since I'd only just woken up. The action feeling a bit strange but calming.

"Where do you think Sebastian and Victoria are right now?" He asked as he used his free hand to remove the piece of candy from between his lips.

I couldn't help but laugh softly at his question. "Well it is Sebastian. He probably has her out in the woods somewhere. Can't imagine they're doing anything remotely appropriate with his track record" I said between giggles.

He nodded. "My thoughts exactly." He said before giving me a small squeeze.

"You said you had something to talk to me about the next time we were alone." I said remembering the words from his last letter to me.

We'd been alone a few times but for some reason I was only remembering those words now.

He bit his lip. "I did didn't I?" He asked as he used the hand that was at my shoulder to turn my face towards his.

"Y-you did" I said a bit nervous to what was coming next.

"Do you still like me Anne? Like you did third year?" He asked as he used his other hand to tilt my chin being sure to keep the sticky candy away from my face.

"I do" I said softly.

Part of me thought it was because he was the only boy I really knew that was my age. Besides Sebastian of course.

But at the same time he was such a gentleman. He was so constantly steadfast, kind, loyal, and smart. He was constantly sending me letters. Sometimes even more often than Sebastian.

A comma or semicolon in just the right spot could make my heart flutter. The simple strokes of his quill making all of the pain from my curse feel nonexistent.

"Then may I kiss you?" He asked leaning close to me. His minty breath hot against my own lips.

"Yes" I said instantly as I rose my face to meet his. His lips feeling warm and welcoming as he pulled my small form into his.

I could taste the peppermint on him. The refreshing taste being twinged with another flavor that I couldn't quite recognize. Something Floral?

It didn't matter. He kissed me back gently almost as if he was debating on the actions we were committing together.

He pulled me into him as we kissed the action making butterflies flutter through my stomach as I pulled myself up forward more towards him.

I heard the begin to open. I tried to pull away not wanting to be caught in such a vulnerable state with him. But he held me against him firmly not allowing me to pull away.

I heard Sebastian's voice as the door opened slightly and then reshut itself. I pushed my hands against Ominis' chest forcing us apart. The idea of Sebastian seeing me kissing his best friend not sounding too appealing.

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