Chapter 57: Nimue's Skills

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Your snakes still haven't noticed you're gone. They must not know you as well as you thought.

"Shut up. That's not their fault. Veronica is good at what she does." I mumbled as I pulled my knees into my chest.

I'd found after Marvolo's visit that I was just beginning to feel lonely. This entire house just made me feel isolated compared to Hogwarts.

Back at the castle I couldn't go five minutes without talking to someone unless I was intentionally hiding from it. Here I would go hours without company, only my pain and the voices in my head to keep me entertained.

The sudden sound of echoing footsteps came from the hallway. My ears quickly picking up that it was two separate people.

I hate that I felt almost excited at this point to have company. Even if they were just dropping off food there was a chance that they would stay for at least a little while.

They both stepped into view, Marvolo again with his arm being held onto tightly by my 'oh so caring' big sister.

Of course she's hanging onto him like a lost puppy. Still mad that Daddy didn't find her worth promising to a man.

"Finally feeling better?" I asked, keeping my eyes on my sister. Her face quickly shifted to a frown as she glared back at me.

She'd taken a bit of a hit from our battle during the trade. Gotten a head injury that apparently needed bed rest instead of Wiggenweld to heal properly.

"Do I need to ask the same? You look like a mess." She said causing a small laugh to come from my 'fiancé'. The small reaction bringing a smile right back to Nimue's face.

"I would apologize for my appearance. But at the end of the day I have no need to impress anyone. I've been promised, and apparently it's going through either way." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I turned my gaze to the older man. "Isn't that right my Prince?"

"You know you've gotten a little too used to having a barrier between you and your visitors." Nimue said, not even allowing him the chance to respond. "You're getting a bit too cocky in that cage of yours."

"Then by all means, tell father to let me out." I said mocking her forced formality for the man. "I'll talk to you just the same if we were in the gardens or the kitchens or the...." I trialed off as I watched her pulled her wand and pointed it at the lock.

"Alohamora" she cast, the sound of the lock clicking open like music to my ears as I stood up. "I never said anything about letting you out." She said as she pushed the door open and came inside. Marvolo quickly pulling the door closed behind her.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I couldn't help but take a step back. Her smile all too sinister as she looked at me.

"Father wants me to help you ease your mind" she said as I felt the blood drain from my face.

Nimue was a complete professional when it came to magic of the mind. Imperio wasn't even her primary spell for it either.

She'd made plenty of her own over the years. She could make her beliefs yours if she so willed it. But her favorite was to twist your own memories, making good memories leave a bad taste in your mouth while highlighting bad ones so they were all you could think of.

"Stay out of my head Nimue." I said as I began to back away from her. Marvolo watching with a fat grin.

"Just a little peak." She said before my back hit the wall. Her presence flying towards me as she placed the tip of her wand against my temple. My mind instantly trying to reject the intrusion.

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