Chapter 92: True Love And Wedding Rings

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Her voice echoed over as the three figures spoke in unison. "Isn't this what you wanted, Marvolo? You don't seem very happy." They teased.

Her eyes, those beautiful magnificent green eyes, they were like daggers as they bore into me. She held me in place with that gaze, as if they were shackles at my wrists.

"Beautiful." The word slipped past my lips without me wanting it to. Her breathtaking power stealing the very breath from my lungs.

They laughed, a sound that was terrific and cruel as she stepped forward. "Now is not the time for flattery."

The two images shrouded in green flame flanked her, eyeing her as if they were awaiting her instructions.

The walls of the maze had begun a slow decent to their original height. Something must have happened with Nimue and Val. That dumb bitch was supposed to keep the tranny in check.

"Tell me, My Prince..." they said as she gestured with her wand to the body of my brother she'd left behind. "Is this the worst thing you'd say you've done?"

No? Yes?

"I saved you." I said firmly. "He would have stifled you with his weakness. Kept you feeble and stagnant with your pathetic excuse for a life together."

She cocked her head to the side and smiled. "You're a new level of delusional Marvolo." They said as she stepped forward again.

Her movements were those of ethereal grace. She was heavenly and fluid as she ate up the distance between us.

My body reacted on instinct as I took one step back. It was the only sign I would allow of the fear that was running through me.

She won't hurt you.

I silently chanted the words to myself in an attempt to steady the slow rising terror in my veins.

She won't hurt you. You trained her to near perfection. She won't hurt you.

"You assumed that Ominis was weak. You assumed that me being with him somehow made me a lesser, more pitiful version of myself.

In reality, he was the only person in this life who made me want to be better. He was the only reason I wanted to be kind, to be good, to be someone worth knowing instead of this monster you've all made me to be."

The figures of flame stepped forward as she herself stopped. Moving past her and towards me while her eyes never wavered from mine.

I attempted to dodge but the figure with no scar managed to touch me first. The green flames that licked my skin were freezing cold. Like pure ice as she gripped my shoulder.

I shook the touch away, yet where I could back away from one I simply leaned into the other.

I rose my wand and cast at the figure with no scar. A simple basic cast that made her disappear entirely before appearing again at Althea's side. She was undeterred as she just moved forward again, joining rank with her sister in an instant.

Touch, Move, Cast, Dodge. The figures were toying with me, playing a game that I didn't want to be part of as they blurred and flickered through my vision. Their unnatural green flames were blinding bright against the night sky.

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