Chapter 17: The Scriptorium

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I pulled the golden sweater over my head and looked at myself in the mirror.

Due to it still being fall break, uniforms weren't by any means mandatory. However I always felt more comfortable when I pulled the golden robes over my form.

I'd decided on something simple for our upcoming journey not wanting to add anymore stress to the adventure.

"Leaving again?" Poppy asked from her corner desk and I gave her my best fake smile. "Just for a bit, I'm here for the rest of break so I'm going to explore the castle a bit" I said as she nodded. "Save me a secret corridor or two" She said and continued with her writing.

I exited our shared room and made my way to the Slytherin dungeons.

The path was long and twisted, going up staircases only to go down others, turning left only to turn right again.

Eventually I saw the familiar statue of a man riding a... some type of sea dragon? Either way I made my way into the corridor.

I stared at the blank wall that I knew to be the entrance of the common room. I'd never been inside but I'd walked here several time to find Sebastian or Ominis directly outside of it.

I leaned against one of the stone pillars and waited hoping to at least see the way this blank wall could open up to be a doorway.

A sudden hissing noise broke my concentration. The stone flooring on the ground began to shift, the form of a snake slithering past as it lifted up against the wall.

As it passed over the shape of a door could be seen in its wake. Both Slytherin boys exited the room Sebastian shooting me a smile. They both were dressed identically, they had on black long pants as well as black button downs and black vests. Their green ties giving a brilliant pop of color against the dark hues.

"Good evening my dear. You know you could have just come in, we would have been glad to have you." He smirked.

Ominis gave a short nod as a greeting but I was far too focused on the wall behind them. The snake began to shift again its body moving downwards and concealing the door again.

"Okay that's so much cooler than the barrels" I laughed as I stared at the snake shifting and turning back into the solid floor.

"It could have been yours if you'd leaned towards the better house" Sebastian chuckled. Before moving past me and walking down the hall.

"What's so good about being a snake, badgers eat snakes you know." I said as I followed behind him quickly. Ominis taking up the rear.

The hallways down here felt gloomy. They held no windows, only torches spread out just enough that the darkness couldn't envelop you. The walls were tall stone archways that, knowing Hogwarts, felt like they could open up any second to show a new space at any second.

"Snakes are much nicer to look at though, wouldn't you agree" he said shooting me a smile. I scoffed at the comment making Ominis chuckle behind us.

"What's so funny?" He asked and I crossed my arms squinting at him my lips pressed together.

"What?" He asked again and Ominis started to laugh a bit harder. "I think you just called her ugly Seb" he said and I held a hand out. Showing that Ominis was exactly right.

"What no! I didn't mean-" I began to giggle as well, knowing that wasn't what he meant. "I know Sallow." I said getting rid of my fake serious stance from earlier.

We came into a passageway and Ominis suddenly strode ahead of us before standing at the edge of one of the corridors. "Are you both sure about this?" He asked.

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