Chapter 55: The Girl In Front Of You

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During breakfast I spotted Victoria and Benji eating together, both lost in a happy conversation as they smiled and laughed together.

Maybe they were still just friends. Maybe I was looking too far into what I had seen in the hallway.

Ominis placed himself next to me, looking a bit more well rested than yesterday but still all in all worse for wear.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty, it's not often I wake up before you" I said as he picked up a fork, instantly jabbing at his scrambled eggs.

"It's also not often you make it to breakfast at all, so I'm still doing better than you on a normal day." He said as he began to eat his food.

I didn't get chance to respond as the morning mail came in, owls flying in one by one in a flurry of different colors.

I loved mail day. The giddy students all chattering as they hoped for a letter from home, or maybe even a parcel. Every owl flying quickly to drop letters to their designated addressee.

However, strangely enough, today a large group of the birds weren't even owls.

About 2 or 3 dozen black ravens flew in alongside the owls, circling the ceiling for a moment as they searched for their recipients.

As much as I'd have loved to stare at them, I was quickly distracted by a beige owl flying in front of me and quickly dropping a letter in front of my plate.

The owl was completely unfamiliar to me, but the small piece of ribbon tied to its leg told me it wasn't even someone's personal owl, but one from the owlry at Hogsmeade.

I turned it over to see a rather strange handwriting, completely unfamiliar to me. Who could this be from?

I looked up to spot the ravens finally moving to drop their letters.

Leander Prewett, Micheal Mayfield, Yaxley, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle.

They were landing in front of the pure blooded students each and every one of them.

I spotted one drop a letter off to Victoria, the girl looking rather anxious as she grabbed at it and slowly started to unfurl it.

I was quickly distracted from my view yet again as one of the ravens letters landed in front of Ominis, the lavender Herondale family seal adorning it's front proudly.

"I have mail?" Ominis asked as he held up the envelope trying to feel over the crest to find out who it was from.

"It's from the Herondales, it looks like all of the pure bloods are getting one. Even Prewett." I said as I watched several students open the letters excitedly, Yaxley practically squealing as she read the words.

"The Herondales? Why are they...?" He swallowed hard as he stopped his question halfway. A strange sense of fear seeming to envelop him.

Ominis opened the letter carefully, using his breakfast knife to break the seal. He pulled out the piece of parchment the words already transcribed for him in braille as he felt over the words, his face going completely pale.

"What is it? What does it say?" I asked as I attempted to look at it, unfortunately no regular words were on it so I had not chance of deciphering the dots.

"Ominis Gaunt, You are hereby formally invited back to Herondale hall on the 24th of this very month, to celebrate the homecoming of my Dearest Althea. This ball will be her first with her family, as such we are hoping you will be able to attend, let us give her the time in the sun she deserves.

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