Chapter 50: Transfiguration

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I found myself sitting outside of the magic theory classroom as I spotted the familiar witch walking out, tucking vials of her medicine into her robes.

"You and Ominis could at least hide the fact that you're both stalking me." She mumbled as she stood in front of me. Her arms crossing over her chest.

Stalking is a rather strong word for it. Well maybe not for Ominis. That man was completely barmy now that they'd stopped their daily interactions.

"Oh so you're speaking to me now? What an interesting change. Here I'd thought you'd forgotten who your friends were." I said meeting her same tone. I'm done pleading for her approval, I did what I had to do and I stick by that.

"Well I do feel bad for Ominis then. You must have called his family to him dozens of times by now since you're so close." She said as she stared towards the staircase not even willing to meet my eyes. "Shouldn't you be getting to class? Transfiguration isn't the closest classroom you know." She said.

"So I can see you struggle with the topic? I will say it's always entertaining how you can't even get a full transformation done. Can't imagine how you managed to become an Animagus." I teased remembering the countless cups with tails she'd conjured as she tried to at least get a beginners understanding of the topic.

"For one. I have been studying and I'm doing just fine in transfiguration thank you very much. And two, keep your voice down. Not everyone here knows about my being an Animagus. Maybe I need to show you what life is like as a dog for a bit hmm?" She asked as she held out her wand.

Professor Fig stepped out of his classroom right in time to hear the threat. "That's a one way ticket to expulsion if you go through with it young lady." He said as he began to close our distance. "Or did your sister never tell you that?" He asked.

"I know good and well what Veronica did. Although I'm beginning to see her reasonings" she said before turning to head down the staircase towards class, not even allowing the teacher a parting glance.

"I don't know what's gotten into that girl." Professor Fig mumbled as he stared after her finally giving me his attention once she was out of view. "Shouldn't you be heading to class Mr. Sallow?" He asked.

"Yes professor. But why do you say that? She has a nack for... well violent outbursts at times." I said remembering the way she'd attacked Leander Prewett in the courtyard, me in the undercroft, and I'd even heard Ominis say that she once smacked him outside of the undercroft.

Figs eyes darkened at the words. Hating for anyone to speak about his ward in such a manor. "Class Sallow. Now" he said simply as he pointed in the direction of the staircase.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I stood up and made my way down the staircase. Heading in the direction of Professor Weasleys classroom.

"V please" I heard the somewhat familiar voice of Benji call as I rounded the corner near the towers floo flame. Spotting him as he made his way down the central staircase to where Victoria waited at the bottom.

V? I've never heard anyone call her that. Although I suppose it's a fitting nickname.

"Whats done is done love. We've already discussed this." She said as she stared up at him. Her words and tone reflecting an odd anger that wasn't displayed on her face.

She called him love?

"But what if-" "Benji you're not even meant to know. I probably shouldn't have even told you. I had thought you'd be smarter than to try and discuss it here." She said as she gestured to the large public space.

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