Chapter 20: Meet The Ravenclaws

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As our Thursday charms class droned on for the day I let my eyes gaze across the room at Poppy.

She appeared almost giddy as Sebastian passed her notes which she quickly returned after writing something with her quill at the bottom of them.

"Are you even listening to me Ms. Amante?" Professor Ronan asked as he stepped in front of my desk blocking my view of my friends and derailing my thoughts.

"O-of course professor" I lied gazing up at the large man in front of me.

I could hear soft giggles coming from the table behind him. The blue robed students getting a kick out of the interaction.

"Then I suppose you could tell me what charm should be used if you find yourself underwater needing a quick way out?" He asked. I saw the blue sleeved hand shoot up behind his shoulder eager to answer his question.

"I suppose the bubblehead charm would-" "would do nothing to aid in your escape of the water but only help you stay under for longer" he said interrupting my words.

"I expect more from you Ms. Amante. That'll be 5 points from Hufflepuff for lying to me" He said and I simply sunk in my chair wanting this period to end.

He walked away and my view was restored. Sebastian was staring in my direction but his eyes quickly shifted back down to his paper as mine met his.

He shifted the paper over to Poppy again. As she read it her face flushed bright pink.

What in Merlin's name was he saying to her?

"I think someone looks a bit Jealous" Natty said next to me her smile shining through her words.

I turned to look at my Gryffindor friend. "Nothing to be jealous of. It's just two of my friends passing notes" I said trying to keep my tone even.

"Perhaps you could have Amit test your signs against each other. Test your compatibility" Natty said and the blue robed boy scoffed from the table ahead of us.

"Astronomy and Astrology are not the same Natsai, I have told you this many times" he said causing Samantha Dale from the next chair over to laugh at him.

"Again, no need to do anything like that, he and I are just friends." I said biting my thumb as I tried to focus on anything else in the room.

"I was talking about you and Poppy, but okay" Natty said and I shot her a sideways glance before gazing around the room again.

Benji hills sat on the far side of the room folding a piece of paper nervously as professor Ronin continued his lecture.

As a small bird was made he held it in his hands and blew on the back of it. The small paper bird flew out of his hands and made its way over to Ominis who was clearly attempting to listen to the lesson.

I watched as Ominis unfolded the paper, cast at it quietly, and felt the words. A spell I'd seen him use on many books and letters in order for the braille lettering to appear for him.

He frowned at the words but nodded, a motion clearly meant for the redhead who'd sent the note.

"Is everyone passing notes today?" I asked and at that moment another paper bird landed on my desk.

"Look you got one as well" Natty said smiling at me.

As I unfolded the letter I didn't recognize the handwriting that decorated the page.

I need your help. Meet me after class next to the astronomy staircase.

And come alone please.

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