Chapter 66: What We Want

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Slight trigger warning. Mentions of SA


I knocked on the door of her bedroom. Hearing a small bit of shuffling from inside but no real response.

"Althea. It's me." I said, loud enough that even if she were asleep she'd be able to hear.

It has been days since the party. Since my little glimpse of her past self as she'd come undone in my hands.

She'd been mostly silent in the time after, staring into space unless she was leaned over one of her books or doodling as she always did.

I can't say I minded the silence, her voice can grow rather irritating when given in full doses.

I'm surprised my little brother could listen to it, that enhanced hearing of his must have cried day after day when she was at his side.

Another shuffle came to the door before it was finally opened up.

There she stood, wild curls forming a mane around her all too pale face, her wicked eyes looking up at me from behind dark lashes as she adjusted her skimpy clothing.

"Nine days left." I said, watching her eyes roll as she stepped out of her room.

The countdown had begun, number of weeks shifting to number of days as the wedding date approached.

We were so close to meeting our parents expectations for us. The Herondale/Gaunt bond being sealed and another generation of pure blood witches and wizards to continue Salazar Slytherins legacy ensured.

She's going to make a good mother. I can give her that much when it comes to compliments.

She's ferociously loyal and extremely protective. Anyone who would ever dare harm her offspring or, by extension, me, is going to be in for a slow and painful death.

I do wish I'd had better choices when it came to life partners. The Malfoy's had a daughter who was clever and beautiful, the Yaxley's girl was competitive and quick witted, and of course there was the mayfield girl I'd had my eye on during our shared years at Hogwarts.

But of course when Ominis left it made life harder for me and my siblings. Expectations became more stiff and controlled. My options were dwindled to the three girls with the strange hereditary magic, and their father who had no choice but to give one up as payment for years upon years of debts.

Val or Veronica (whatever that freak wants to be called today) was of course off the table right away. There was no guarantee that they could provide children with their transforming and whatnot.

Plus there was the aspect of them not even having their family magic. The chance of them not passing it on was far too strong to risk.

Then there was Nimue. The girl who was so desperate to be chosen that she flung herself at me every chance she could when the union was first brought to light.

She'd have been the easiest. A complete inability to say no to a request or need, but her aptitude with magic in shifting emotions and the thoughts of others...

Well I'd rather not live a life where I'm unsure if my wants are actually mine.

So that left the third. The sheltered girl with an attitude problem.

She is so fun to toy with. Every single experience she's ever had has been at my hands before anyone else's, it's been my words that guided her up to this point, my voice that commands her obedience.

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