Chapter 86: Father Figures

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I trailed in behind professor fig, watching Edwin's face quickly contort with what could only be described as pure rage.

"What the hell is this?! Get out right now, both of you!" He seethed as he stood up straight.

My eyes gravitated over to Nimue. Not a smile to be seen on her suddenly flushed face. She began to back away from the bed where Althea still lay.

Althea looked exactly the same as she had before I left. Ominis was still perched at her side, gripping her hand like all it would take is one more kiss for her to spring awake.

We're going to fix this Omi, don't you worry.

"Hello Edwin," Fig said as he took another step forward. "I won't claim it's good to see you again."

"Eleazar, you're lucky I hadn't already come after you for poisoning my daughter for years. If you don't leave right now you'll find out just how little mercy I have for you."

"Still the jealous type I see, even back when we were students you couldn't stand when others stepped on 'your territory'." He emphasized the words by throwing up air quotes. "Does it upset you that much that she relied on me instead of you for all that time?"

Edwin's eyes shifted to that shade of green. Those same eyes I'd found such comfort in when it came to Althea sent a chill down my spine now.

"Get. Out. Now." Edwin enunciated each word clearly, ensuring no room for error.

Ominis stood, his hand still clutched with Althea's. "Why are you here professor?" He asked.

Professor Fig gave a small smile. "Sebastian paid me a visit, I've been writing him every once in a while in hopes for some kind of update on the girl I cared for for nearly 3 years..."

Edwin took another step forward but Fig paid him no mind as he continued. "As soon as he mentioned this sleep she was under I came straight away, seeing as I know how to wake her up."

The whole room seemed to still at that, besides the short haired girl who took yet another step back.

"You're a liar." Edwin said as he stepped forward again. He and Fig were practically chest to chest now, Edwin seething with a jealous rage, Fig standing with a calm confidence.

"Your Althea isn't the only one of your children I've taught Edwin." He smiled at the other man. "How much has Nimue really helped you since you've been here?"

"You'd accuse my daughter of harming her own sister?! Even if she wanted to she's under orders not to hurt Althea."

"But Althea here isn't really hurt is she? She's just asleep, dreaming the days away. A perfect work around to your order for her not to hurt her."

Nimue took yet another step back, seeming to try and assess how easily she could escape.

"You're flinging around accusations at my family with no-" "Proof? Well Edwin, I don't actually need any proof besides just this..." he held up a hand and gestured to Althea. "I've seen this spell before."

"Oh really?" Edwin asked, his tone dripping in sarcasm.

"Yes really. Why don't you have your eldest daughter tell you all about it? Seeing as she created it." Fig said.

"You believe you're so bright, don't you Eleazar? Keeping Althea hidden from me for years, accusing Nimue. what of my other two? Surely you have something to say for them since you seem obsessed with my children."

"Althea needed help. She ran away for a reason Edwin. How can you still not see that? I did what I could to give her the life she wanted-"

"She has a wonderful life. She's happy, loved, free-" "That's not because of you!" Fig shouted the words.

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