Chapter 63: Victoria At The Ball

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Maturity warning


Whispers continued to move throughout the hall, my mind wanting so badly to just scream and at them to be silent.

Focus. There's nothing you can do about them without a wand anyway.

Marvolo's hands touching my bare skin gave me goosebumps as he pulled me into him. His free hand letting our fingers interlock as my hand shifted to its proper place at his shoulder.

Focus on him. He's the only one in this room who understands who you are and what you can do.

My fathers speech ended, Marvolo giving me a warm smile as the music picked up. The familiar tune that we'd practiced with time and time again flowing through my ears.

Memories came flooding back of our private dances in this very room. The many little balls he'd planned with me to help me feel involved in the many I'd missed out on.

He really is quite thoughtful isn't he? With the dances and my ring and his general patience with my transition back.

I know, I know, I still hate him but why am I fighting so hard against the person I'm inevitably going to end up with?

Our feet moved gracefully along the floor, my eyes unable to shift from the blue shade of his and the smile he provided to me.

A slight pull, pushed our chests against each other, a blush warming my face as he glanced down at my lips.

"You seem to be feeling better." He said playfully, the words barely reaching my ears over the loud music.

"Nothing like a dance and the promise of sweets to brighten my night" I said as I tried to glance to the side, tried to look towards any of my siblings or their partners.

But my eyes wouldn't seem to let me. The whispers in my mind only having one thing to say on repeat.

You promised. Eyes on him and only him.

"You know we still haven't kissed since you've gotten back." He said, as he shifted me outwards, allowing my tight spin to let the very bottom of my dress furl around my ankles.

"I can't recall having an urge to." I said as he pulled me back into him, his hand again placing itself against the small of my back.

"I do." He said as our feet began to shift again. Moving across the dance floor meticulously.

"Oh? Do tell." I said allowing a bit of a teasing tone to come through.

"When you first got out of the cage. The house elves took you to get you cleaned up and put you in fresh clothes. Your clothes.

And despite everything. Despite two weeks of living in a cell, being mentally used my your sister and berated by your father. You sat down at the dinner table like you owned the place. Demanded zero get you your blackberry jam and bread crusts. It was like you'd never left.

You were, for just a moment, the same Althea that you were before you left." He said.

The words caught me off guard, so much so that I missed a step and ended up landing directly on his feet.

I stepped back instantly, muttering out an apology as he chuckled. "Maybe we're in need of another dance lesson or two Princess." He said.

Deja vu.

Sebastian had said the same thing in the astronomy tower as we'd danced together. Claiming he'd be happy to have lessons with me the moment I'd stepped on his toes.

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