Chapter 71: The Wedding

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I remember when I was a little girl fantasizing about today. I had loved drawing pictures with my sisters trying to just imagine the day a man would love us enough to make us their own.

But in all of those fantasy's I don't think I ever imagined it being a prison sentence. I never thought that "till death do us part" would feel like a threat.

"Calm down. You knew this day was coming Princess."

My fathers voice used to be a such a comfort to me. Someone I knew was always looking out for me. But now it felt like the voice of a captor, someone keeping me locked up tight.

I could feel his tension as Veronica put the final touches on my hair, wrapping strands around the silver tiara that decorated my head to keep it in place.

To my surprise, today wasn't as large as I'd expected it to be. Apparently after the break in at the last party Montel Gaunt had hand picked which family's could be invited.

I felt my breathing hitch as I glanced at my reflection in the standing mirror across the room. The white ball gown looking like an upside down flower as the fabric formed ruffled petals.

The appearance was elegant and gorgeous. Yet all I could think about was carnations.

Ominis would have loved this dress. He'd have felt over every ruffle and curve of the fabric and tell me I looked gorgeous without the need for sight.

Sebastian probably would have teased me about the attire. Mainly the crown and it's 'Princess' connotation. But right now I'd do anything to hear his insults.

Veronica gave a small smile as she stood back, admiring her handiwork. "The necklace makes the outfit in my opinion." She said as she placed a hand over the serpent wrapped gem that sat over my chest.

"Thank you." I said as I bit my cheek. It had taken a hell of a lot of convincing to let me wear the green pendent in my all white ensemble.

It had better look good.

I hadn't taken it off since I'd gotten it back. Using it as a sort of tether, a reminder that in going through with this I was saving the people I cared about. Everyone I cared about.

"Head on out Veronica. I need to say a few words to Althea before this starts." Daddy said.

She quickly obliged as she slipped out of the doorway, leaving both of us alone.

I kept my eyes on the mirror as I looked at my own attire, holding back tears as I turned slightly to see the edges of the spider that decorated my back.

I awaited his yelling. Expecting him to get one last argument in about how this was my fault. How I could have done better if id only made better decisions.

Instead he let his eyes run over me, an immense sadness showing in them that I knew he was trying to hide.

He stepped forward and placed his hands on my shoulders. Looking into my eyes through the reflection as he breathed deeply.

"I'm proud of you Princess. I know I don't say that enough, but it doesn't make it any less true." He said. "I know you had the opportunity to run away again when Sebastian was here, but you didn't. You chose to stay."

My mind froze. Never having expected him to acknowledge what I'd done that night. In fact I'd wanted the entire event to fade in my memories.

Everytime I thought of that night I just remembered using imperio on him. The way his eyes had gone pale and he'd walked out obediently, thoughtlessly.

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