Chapter 72: The Gaunt Brothers

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Super long chapter cause it needs to be. Enjoy.


Nine Days Ago

I listened to her footsteps as they left. Loving that I could hear her little pauses as she kept looking back at me.

"Annoying little thing isn't she?" Marvolo said, his smirk clear on his face. "She's lucky she has a body like that, or I wouldn't be able to stand her presence." He said.

My hands both curled into fists involuntarily, any ability I had to hide my resentment quickly fading just from hearing him talk bad about her.

"Although I suppose you don't even know what she looks like, a real shame. Touch can only give you so much of the sense you were born without." He laughed.

"Is that all you like about her? The way she looks?" I asked, feeling my nails digging tiny crescent moons into my palms.

He chuckled again. "Why did you want to talk to me Ominis? You've separated yourself from the family for years yet you expect me to believe you want to celebrate my engagement? How dumb do you think I am?"

Deep breaths Ominis. You need this to work. For her.

It's all for her.

"Believe it or not I've come to regret my decision. I'd originally thought I could find friends to replace the family I was losing. But people outside of our circle have been... well... disappointing." I lied.

"Is that so?" He asked, his tone taking on a more serious than teasing manor.

The familiar sound of apparation filled my ears, the crunch of snow and sound of a small irritated groan telling me all I needed to know.

"Ugh, what is this? I was quite busy you know." Mattheo said as he gave a small stretch, cracking his fingers.

He smelled of lavender and vanilla, the scent telling me he had most likely been with Nimue when he was called. I guess all of the Herondale girls had some form of lavender perfume.

"Ominis was just telling me about how he misses us." Marvolo chuckled. "Our poor little brother has grown lonely without his family around."

"Ha! More like he's trying to steal your girl from you again. Please don't tell me you're this daft Marvolo." He said.

Daft isn't the word. Proud describes the situation much better.

All I need to do is lean into his pride and he'll fold. It's always been his biggest weakness.

"More I miss having a family in general. I won't act like we get along perfectly, but I'll also admit I never tried very hard. Allow me to try now. I can be a better brother to both of you. This event is the perfect excuse to celebrate so what's the harm?

Come with me to the Hogs Head. I'll buy a round or two for us and we can catch up." I said.

Another scoff from Mattheo. He doesn't trust me at all, but it's clear he will go along with whatever our eldest brother wants.

It's strategic to kiss ass for the man who will become head of the family after all.

"Hmmm. I suppose a drink or two couldn't hurt. What do you think Mattheo?" Marvolo asked.

"As long as I'm not paying I suppose I don't care who I drink with." He said with a fake smirk.


The Hogs Head provided enough privacy to continue my lie without fear of being overheard. Or at least not by anyone I would be worried about.

I listened to my brothers both draining their glasses dry before ordering round after round. They didn't even care to notice that I had barely sipped at my own.

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