Chapter 67: In The Shadow Of Loyalty

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"I have to heal Anne I have to take care of Ominis" I said, letting the words that I'd been hearing over and over in my head have voice as I clutched the relic tighter in my hand.

The inferi that surrounded me, the strength I felt as I commanded them, they all proved that I was doing the right thing. I'm meant to be here, I'm supposed to be doing this.

I was born to save my sister.

Ominis had tried to stop me. After days of reading over paperwork with him and entertaining his absolutely atrocious plans of saving 'Victoria', he still had the gall to tell me that I was going to far. That I don't know when to stop.

I could feel the inferi at the front of the Catacomb begin to fall, not one by one but in groups of three or four.

"I have to heal Anne I have to take care of Ominis" I repeat lowly as I march towards the book that I have perched on a pedestal, countless passages highlighted and annotated to make this as easy as possible.

More and more inferi dropped, my mind starting to wander to who was taking them out with such speed.

Was Anne here?

They wouldn't be attacking if it was her so that would make sense. She could take down droves of them, especially if they weren't fighting back.

Ominis is probably helping her. That's why it's going so fast. That has to be it.

I should feel guilt. I'm taking away one of the only people Ominis has left, and I'm taking the only immediate family Anne has at all now.

But I'm giving Anne a life, I'm giving Ominis his friend back. I know he'll take care of her and she'll still have Solomon.

It'll all be okay. It has to be okay.

My thoughts are rerouted back to the closeness of the carnage, the sounds of explosions finally becoming audible as my curiosity pushed for me to peek out of the doorway.

I wonder if I'd be able to spot my sister one last time, but I don't want to... I can't.

I hadn't been able to tell a single person goodbye in person. I knew I couldn't watch them come to the realization of what I was doing. I couldn't let any of them try to stop me.

I drew my wand, shutting my eyes as I put my focus on the spell, on the relic in my hands, on the singular goal of this entire evening.

Anne, Ominis, Solomon, and my dearest Althea.

Forgive me.

"I have to heal Anne I have to take care of Ominis" I repeated softly to myself.

"Finite!" Her angelic voice said, causing a release of a tightness I didn't realize I'd been holding onto. The Imperious curse finally lifting off of my shoulders.

I hadn't even realized I was still under it's affects. Still obeying her commands even days after the curse was placed.

I suppose I should have expected as much. Her magic is more powerful than anyone else's I've ever met, probably anyone else in the world.

I turned to her, an angel come to bring me a last taste of earthly heaven before I go I suppose.

My Althea, her green eyes wet with unshed tears, her brown wand from her days as Victoria still focused on me. The green pendent I had given her twin glistening on her neck.

"Althea I-" "What the fuck do you think you're doing Sebastian?" She asked, her words putting all her emotions on full display.

Anger, Betrayal, Frustation

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