Chapter 83: Chips In The Illusion

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I practically screamed as I heard my fathers voice for the first time in a month, placing a hand to my temple as if it would dull the invasive sound.

"Nimue, I need you at your sisters manor."

I sat up in my armchair and looked around at the room I was in.

The House of Gaunt had held my brother and I in the recent weeks. The two eldest Gaunt brothers rarely leaving our sides as we worked with them.

We found ourselves currently in the families study. Marvolo laid out on the family's long couch with his head propped up by a small pillow.

His eyes were closed and his hands were clasped around the small ball shaped relic that I'd been waiting to use.

Tiring out Althea had been the easiest part. Nightmares were easy enough to give, especially when someone wasn't paying attention to the ingredients of their favorite sweet treat.

Jelly has always been a weakness for her.

But it was this part that we'd been waiting for. This enchanted sleep that was designed specifically for us and fed off of our hereditary magic.

I'd designed the spell for my father originally. Hoping to place him in this same trance to cut off this blasted connection.

He bound me to him after all.

Cursed me to bear this wretched mark. To be a slave to whatever man held the reins on me.

I had no qualms about putting him in a dreamless sleep for the rest of his days. Had no issue putting him under a spell to give me back at least a taste of real freedom.

Nathan's relic was the icing on the cake for this though. It gave Marvolo free rein inside her head. Free rein to design and create his own little wonderland for her.

Hopefully he got this job done in time before my father ordered me to wake her up.

Nathan stood up from his place next to Marvolo. "I've got this. You wouldn't want to keep him waiting." He said, gesturing with his chin towards the door.

I nodded and stood, adjusting my clothing as well as the dark spectacles that were sitting low on my nose.

"Keep him comfortable." I said, but I knew he would. Our deal with him was riding on this going right.

He'd only give us what we wanted when Althea was well within his grasp.

I made my way out of the study doors and shut the door behind me. I turned towards the exit to see Mattheo leaned against the wall, staring up at ceiling.

"Edwin summoned you?" Mattheo asked, already knowing the answer.

Since his brother had entered the enchanted sleep he'd become more relaxed, more himself. That mask of the cruel wicked slytherin heir had begun to falter and fray.

I nodded and he gave a small sigh as he picked himself up from where he was leaning. He made his way to me, his shoulders slumped with exhaustion. An exhaustion we all felt over the past week of prep.

He framed my face with my hands and looked into my eyes, searching there for something I couldn't place. "Be careful Nimue." He said softly.

Before I could ask what he was asking me to be careful of he'd placed a kiss atop my head and disappeared into the study, mask shifting firmly back into place.


We'd picked her up and moved her to her bedroom. Her body barely showing signs of life as it hung limply in my arms.

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