Chapter 51: Dreams Of A First Year

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I stepped up to the carriage being pulled by the large black thestral. Staring intently at it as my twin sister stayed next to me looking around curiously at the other first years passing by us.

"They're staring at you." Anne whispered next to me drawing my gaze away from the creature and over to the crowd around me. Clearly confused by the boy staring at nothing.

"Sorry" I said finally turning away from the creature and pulling myself into the carriage. Anne following quickly after.

A duo of green robes walked up to the back whispering softly before helping a blonde boy into the carriage with us.


I barely had time to acknowledge my friend who wasn't my friend yet as a group interrupted the memory. Changing it completely from how it was supposed to go.

"Room for two more?" A male Gryffindor third year asked as a second year female Ravenclaw held the hands of two identical first years next to him.

"Of course" Anne said happily as the boy lifted each of the girls into the carriage.

"Calm down" the Gryffindor whispered to the green eyed one of the set. "You've got a 50/50 shot of being with family. Those are super good odds" he said with a smile.

The girl gave a small nod before he kissed the back of her hand. "Here's to the two new Hufflepuffs" the Ravenclaw girl said with a laugh.

"We're not getting Hufflepuff!" The brown eyed girl said as the Gryffindor boy pinched her cheek. "Her maybe not. But if you're not a Hufflepuff then I don't know who is" he chuckled.

As the two older students took a step back the carriage began to move, the thestrals guiding us to the docks to board the boats as was how first years were meant to enter the school.

"What's so bad about Hufflepuff?" Anne asked when their older siblings were finally out of earshot.

The twin girls both turned, clearly having forgotten they weren't alone in the carriage.

"Oh um they always say Hufflepuff is the weakest house is all. They won't let us hear the end of it if one of us is sorted into it" the brown eyed girl spoke.

"Herondales and their obsession with strength" Ominis spoke as he crossed his arms over his chest. Clearly holding a certain distaste for our new acquaintances.

"Gaunts and their lack of manners" the green eyed girl replied. "Ominis isn't it? I hardly recognize you without your hand at your mothers skirts" she said.

"That's brilliant coming from Daddies little Princess" he said.

The brown eyed sister erupted in laughter as the green eyed girls face went completely red, clearly not used to being spoken to in such a manor.

The dream shifted. I barely needed time to adjust as we entered the great hall. I saw the two identical sisters remaining hand in hand. Anne almost copying the motion as she latched onto mine.

"At least we know there's another set of twins here" I said and Anne gave my hand a bit of a squeeze.

"Maybe more. I see three redheads over there that look like they could be brothers" she said pointing at the other end of the group of first years.

The first year version of Leander; Garreth, and Benji were already deep in conversation acting as if they'd known each other for years.

"Bet you a sickle at least two of them get Gryffindor" I said and Anne giggled next to me. "You're so on"

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