Chapter 62: Much Better From The Outside

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Oh boy, this is pure excitement, a little joy before what is to come. Having not felt her or driven her in over a year and a half feels amazing— simplicity is what my heart wants today and she has given it to me. Oh, how I missed my chrome light blue baby. My Trydon; she will be a classic one day. Ignoring suggested speed limits, my baby goes as fast as she wishes through the city to Sojourn Prison.

The prison looks much better from the outside. I take a moment to enjoy the sunlight enjoying my last few minutes of peace before this "necessary" counseling session that I was required to attend when I was here and I'm still required to continue as part of my acquittal. Apparently, Queen Lovely couldn't work everything out for my benefit; not that she tried- she probably voted for this simply to annoy me.

I breathe in one final time taking air into my lungs should give me lasting strength, with hopes that it will give me lasting strength, before entering the building, this will be my last few minutes of clarity before this session. The sound of the cool crisp wind near my earlobes offers slight comfort.

Today's session is held by Droid 254. A model of robot designed a few years ago, it looks like a natural plethorian. This model is female with blonde hair, blue eyes, and plethorian-like emotions. It sits in the chair just like a normal plethorian with its leg crossed. I take my place in the chair directly across from Droid 254.

"Good morning, Liam," she says in a calm friendly manner as if we are best friends.


"How did you sleep?"

"Not well."

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"Not really, I just spent the night with my wife – my whatever."

"How did spending the night with her make you feel?"

"Fine. Let's change the subject."

"Of course. Will you like to start where you left off last time?"


"Go ahead and talk freely Liam."

"The Big War of 2032 still haunts me. One hundred twenty-seven plethorians were killed and it also left Plethora desolate of plethorians. After the war broke out we were given assignments. Michael and I were sent to destroy the Chevalier skydrifts and to make sure no one escaped the Island."

"Were you successful?"

"Yes. We tracked down their skydrift hangar and hid in the bushes above and waited for a few of them to take off. Beforehand we installed disintegrating bombs on the skydrifts. As you know, a plethorian could survive many deaths with the correct healers but to be disintegrated into dust—no one could come back from that."

"Your sadden demander is a bit alarming, please go on."

"Don't you mean my increased opioids or tightened muscles is a bit alarming," I sarcastically say, "at least that is what the old droid would say."

"Interesting. Fortunately, I am not the old droid. Should we continue?"

"Sure," I respond rolling my eyes at her, "It's just that— well do you know what's it like to kill innocent plethorians, repeatedly? Hum, I suppose you do not. Well, moments later a group of plethorians boarded a skydrift as we watched. At the time we did not know it but among them was one of the Chevalier's Queens, Amber and her four-year-old daughter Lily Rose. They were dressed in war uniforms as they boarded. Michael and I debated on rather to disintegrate the skydrift or blow a wing to cause it to crash over the waters and possibly capture them."

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