Chapter 124: Return Your Lips

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"Morning beautiful," he says.

"Good morning honey," I reply.

"Kiss me, sweetheart."

His soft lips seem to explode against mine sending tingles down my body, it feels so exotic. He rubs his hand against my cheek; bringing me into a carefree state.

This is perfect, being positioned in my husband's arms while the morning sunslights shine on us through the windows.

To my dismay he breaks our kiss, "I like that, kiss me like that again Adrienne," she says.

"Why did you break our kiss?" I ask and softly peck him on the lips.

"I needed to see your face for a second," he says and leans in closer to me.

As our lips reconnect, I begin to feel tingles spark as if I were kissing Ever. He pushes me against the pillows. I wish I could stay like this forever but unfortunately work calls.

"Enough,' I say as I turn away from him, "Sorry but I have to go to the office, will you let me up?" I say.

"He turns my face to look at him, "No office for you today sweetie. We are going somewhere, I canceled everything you had to do at the office."

"Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise. Get dressed, you don't have to pack, everything has been taken care of for you."

"Is Ever coming?" I ask, I won't go without her.

"Of course."

"She has the test on her heart this morning we can go after."

"We will. Preston will send me the report later so we don't have to wait."


Wait, what am I thinking, he can't go anywhere.

"Please don't tell me you plan to take us off the island, you can't leave."

"We're not. We are staying at the cabins for four days."

"Okay, is she okay with this?"

"She doesn't know. I need you to tell her she's coming with us. You can do it during her appointment."

"Liam, no. Tell her yourself. Better yet, why don't you just tell her that you love her and you want her back?"

"I haven't found the right time besides she knows. What does that have to do with telling her she's coming with us?"

"Whatever. Look at you, scared of little Ever. You have had plenty of time to tell her. What happened to my proud not taking no for an answer Liam? Bring him back."

"I'm here. I'm being careful with my approach. Let's go to her appointment. I promise you this, if you stay with us the whole time, I will talk to her when we get back," he says, "I knew that will put a smile on your face."

"Okay, I'm getting dressed," I say as I toss half of the blanket his way.

"You didn't have to throw the blanket on my head," he says.

I activate my armstation and look at the time. We have plenty.

"Hey we don't have to be there for another two hours, would you like to shower with me?" I ask.

"Of course," he replies with a smile on his face as he stands.


As expected Ever's heart is fine. Unfortunately, I missed most of her appointment because I fell asleep; strange considering I was well-rested. It took a bit longer than usual. I only wish that we could have disclosed those things we shouldn't but with her being in Preston's and Harrison's care, I feel like they need to be in the know. No new changes, other than the changes we can't disclose. 

Liam built up enough courage to tell Ever that she would be staying at the cabins with us. I know he's embarked on a long journey of self-forgiveness but he needs to figure out a way to move on, for all of our sakes. If Ever hadn't forgiven him I'd have a different position on this but since she has he needs to forgive himself too. I'll kill him if he ruins our chance.

The flight to the two-bedroom cabin that Liam rented out was nice. The best part of our trip was holding Ever in my arms while flying against the late afternoon breeze, as the wind blew through her hair. The funniest part of our trip was watching her fidget in my arms and try to shield herself from the misty breeze as we passed Majestic Waterfalls.

"Here it is," Liam says as we land in front of our cabin.

"Liam, you picked the perfect one. We have a good view of everything from here," I say.

Ever stares at the waterfalls and as soon as her feet touch the ground she begins moving toward them. I grab her wrist and pull her next to me.

"Stay by my side," I rush out as I grab hold of her hand.

"Door open," Liam says as we walk up the steps behind him.

He turns and smiles at us, "Come on, let's go inside," he says.

Wow. As promised, everything was set up for us in advance, including lunch. I was not expecting to have lunch ready on our arrival or that the place would be completely decorated with snapdragons and scented candles.

Ever pulls away from me, approaches the flowers, and slowly runs her fingers over them in such a way that almost looks like she's connected to them in a realm we can't see with our physical eyes. She pauses to stare into the candlelight.

Liam watches her with the same amazement I hold.

"Liam," I say gaining his attention, "Snapdragons, they are so beautiful. The candles and curtains on the windows are also beautiful. When did you do this? Who help you?"

"I did it on my own, here and there," he replies.

"You amaze me, honey."

Liam walks up behind me, places his arms around her waist, and kisses my ear.

"What would you like to do after we eat? We can go, swimming, parasailing, faux fishing, waterfall jumping, or play scavenger hunt?" I ask.

He lays his chin against my shoulder, "Right now I want to stare at her and hold you. After we eat I'd love to play scavenger hunt with you in the bedroom."


This has been the second time today that we've left Ever alone in her room with a few droids while we enjoy each other. I know she understands but I slightly feel guilty. The first time we rejoined her she was on the phone with Ava, I wonder what she'll be doing this time around.

"Come here," Liam says as we enter our bedroom.

He picks me up, places me on the bed, and lays on top of me. He's like a dream and I'm grateful to have him in my life. It was difficult being separate from him while he was in Sojourn prison. He claims to fight with all his power to stay out of that place and I hope that he can keep his word. I need him in all ways a plethorian may need someone and more.

He places gentle kisses on my neck.

Well, that's interesting.

"Hey Liam," I say.

"Yes sweetie?" he manages to say between kisses.

"Why are there mirrors on the ceiling?" I ask.

"I had them temporarily put in for you."


"You like it."

"Indeed, I do. Now return your lips to my neck."

"Yes, mam," he says with a smile and places his lip against my neck.

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