Chapter 101: A Peek Inside Her World

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After my long hot shower in the lab facilities, I feel different. I can't quite put my hands on it but I feel better. Things seem slightly clearer. I feel refreshed, renewed, and stronger. I can only relate the newfound freedom to her blood. For some reason, I was drawn to it and I'm not disgusted by it in the least; I am intrigued by it. Why was it sweet? Why does it make me feel this way? Why does it make me want to be with her for hours on end?

I'm grateful Preston had dozed off when Liam and I had our little makeout session but I'm sure he and Harrison will be privy to our little session soon enough.

A beating.

Clear as day, I can feel it, and it is soothing to me.

There it is again.

A beautiful sweet beating that I recognize as her heart. How can I feel it? How do I know it is her? 

As I make my way to the lab and closer to her, I'm positive I can feel her heartbeat underneath my skin, yet it doesn't frighten me. It is a beautiful thing.

As always, she looks so peaceful sleeping when I walk into the lab.

I notice Harrison at the medical station, he and Preston must have traded out when I was in the shower.

"Hey Ari," he says while he gives me an odd look.

"Hey, I'm going to sit with her."


As soon as I enter the room, I feel even more relaxed and unable to help myself I climb into bed with her and begin stroking her hair.


Hours have passed and I'm stunned at my inability to fall asleep. All I want to do is breathe in her scent, lay over her, and run my fingers through her hair.

Erratic heartbeat.

"Please, no!" she mumbles in her sleep.

"Wake up baby," I gently say and shove her shoulder.

Her heartbeat increases but she remains asleep.

"Baby wake up," I gently say, hating the thought that she's experiencining a bad dream.

"No, leave me; leave me– alone," she mumbles.

I start shaking her harder, "Ever, wake."

"No Ari, don't wake her," Harrison whispers over the intercom system.

She jumps out of her sleep, sits up, pulls her knees up to her chest, and wraps her arms around her knees. Tears begin to fall from her eyes and she slightly begins to shake.

"It was a bad dream, you're okay," I say as I reach out to remove a lock of hair that falls into her face.

She moves away from me and into the upper corner of the bed. She starts to shake.

"Ever, what's wrong?" I ask as Harrison steps into the lab.

She puts her head on her knees. I move closer to her and touch her arm.

"Baby, talk to us," I plead.

Harrison looks toward the medical station and I follow his gaze only to notice Liam standing there looking at us. He quickly moves us and is blocked by Harrison at the door.

"She just woke from a bad dream. It happened so quickly that I wasn't able to record it. We'll handle it," Harrison says.

Ever looks up and like magnets their eyes connect and Liam shoves Harrison to the side. He approaches her, stands in front of her bed, and holds his arms open.

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