Chapter 2: Plethora

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My heart delights in beautiful nights like these when I'm free to sneak away to the hills of Adar forest and stare down at Adira Island for hours. In comparison to the planet, this Island is small- just as the Planet is compared to the galaxy. According to past scientists, there are many galaxies out there and I'm sure our planet is small in comparison to any of the many galaxies.

Planet Plethora is her name and rightfully so because her bounty of water is relatively great in comparison to her three islands. What a great planet she is with her four months also named after her seasons; Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter each housing ninety-one days.

Many years before my birth, Plethora flourished before it was damaged by wars. Only a few hundred Plethorians survived Plethora's wars and of course, they rebuilt. I've been told that it took them a few hundred years to build Plethora into the technologically dominant force that It's today. We're, however, still behind in comparison to what Plethora may have been like by now without wars.

Of course, with any rebuilt powers rose; the powers became in the form of three self-proclaimed king brothers; Waldemar, Chevalier, and Adar. Determined not to repeat the mistakes of our former rulers they ruled in peace for many years.

At that time, was the primary dwelling place for all Plethorians. The youngest brother, Adar, while on a trip to Adira Island discovered a cave, named Yokar that held majestic powers that gave its inhabitants strength, speed, and the ability to fly. The powers from the cave flowed through Plethora's single most stunning creation, Majestic Waterfall. Adar, of course, shared this with his older brothers and eventually, everyone migrated to Adira Island to become super Plethorians. Over time the family broke apart because of leadership differences and power struggles. The eldest brother, Waldemar became the family of the West. Chevalier, the middle brother became the family of the East. The youngest brother Adar did not have any children of his own to carry on his name; he adopted ten stray daughters orphaned by war who eventually married to either side. In his honor, Adar Forest on the south side of the island was named after him. This captivating forest is fed by the powers of Majestic Waterfall, which sits on the north side of Adira Island.

Many years after the death of the brothers, it was discovered that not only did the land give powers but it also held the gift of temporary immortality.

Temporary Immortality was her name, and she was beautiful to everyone who spoke of her. She rested within Majestic Waterfalls. It took many years to find out that one simply had to walk through the flame of Yokar Cave and immediately survive the dive down into Majestic Waterfall for the gift. From what I hear it was discovered by pure accident. I'm grateful to the finder, whoever it may be. Through the law it was decided that everyone with breath in their bodies could inherit Temporary Immortality once they reached an acceptable adult age. I can't wait until I'm of age. 

After emerging from the waterfall we learned that we gained more powers. Some powers came immediately, and others had to be developed, like a child learning to ride a skyike; it took time. With some powers, we also changed physically.

Of course, there had to be downfalls. We can very much feel pain, bleed, and die. If someone died and they are not healed within four days after death, the death will be permanent, hence the name Temporary Immortality. As for the final downfall, powers cannot be used away from Adira Island. But there is still hope in the form of a stone called the Athelstan diamond stone once we find it, we gain total immortality, and we will be able to use our gifts anywhere on this planet.  

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