Chapter 90: A Glimpse

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Somewhere, while trapped in an abyss of my mind darkness seems to consume me. It's comfortable.

Yet, my comfort seems to be fading. With each passing second I hear mumbles or noises in the distance.

"She's coming to."

Preston, I'll know his voice anywhere. I wish he would hush.

"Yes, I have it."

Harrison? Of course it. The dynamic duo of all things medical.

My heavy eyes seem to be gaining strength.

Lights. The lights are extremely bright. Too bright for me to pry open my eyes.

Ugh, my head.

I must push past this heaviness and get to Ever.

Ever. I have to make sure she's okay.

"Why is she tied up?"

Liam. My honey. Why is he asking why I'm tied up? Why would I be tied up?

"She wouldn't calm down and she tried to leave," Preston answers.

"Why was she upset?" Liam asks.

"She had a dream. We can show you the recording later," Harrison says.


The dream. They were separated and Jinx tried to harm Ever.


My body uncontrollably jerks awake.


"Ari, calm down," Preston says.

"I need to get to Jinx Spade!" I yell; feeling smothered because of the Sojourn prison cell handcuffs around my wrist, "Take these off! Now!"

"Shhh, sweetheart," Liam says in a smooth voice as he reaches out and places his hand on my cheek, "it's okay."


"Yes, I'm here. Calm down sweetheart," he says as he wraps his body around me.

"Jinx, she's going to hurt Ever."

"Shhh, I'll talk to Queen Lovely to make sure they keep a good watch of her," he says calmly, which is a complete contradiction of his slightly shaking body. He doesn't believe they can protect her.

"But, they can't stop her if she tries to hurt Ever."

He squeezes me tighter and rubs my back, "Sweetheart calm down. Ever's safe. Jinx can't harm her without harming herself."

"But we don't know that for sure," I whine and elbow him in his side, which does absolutely nothing to affect him.

"Stop it, sweetheart," he says and kisses me on the cheek, "you have to relax."

"It's been too long. We need to get Ever back. We can't continue sitting around hoping she'll return," I say.

He nods his head in agreement.

He continuously pats my back, "Relax, please sweetheart."

A sudden quick sharp burning pain hits my left shoulder. As I turn to look at my shoulder I notice Harrison standing over me with a needle in his hand.

"What did you give me?" I demand and try to hit him but my reach is limited by the Sojourn handcuffs.

"Just something to help you relax, it shouldn't put you to sleep," he replies and walks away.

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