Chapter 22: Engagement

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"Hum?" Adrienne asks turning from the scenery before her.

"You are beautiful."

She blushes, nervously looking down at her boots.

"Come on."

This is how it should always be, me escorting her around with our arms wrapped around each other. As we get closer to the table the smell of the food fills the night air. She takes a seat after my hands pull her chair out for her. Instead of sitting across from her I move my chair and table setting next to her. She watches me as I finish and sit down.

"Come on let's eat."

I remove the cloches from over our food smile at my artwork.

"Go on, ding in."

Adrienne picks up a spoon and slowly dips it in her potato casserole. She slowly eats it and lick the spoon.

"Mmmm! Liam this is delicious. Where did you order it from?"

"I made it."

"You did not."

Smiling at her, I respond. "I did. Told you I can cook. I'm glad you like it."

"I do. Where did you learn to cook?"

"Just self-practice. I just started kind of doing it and learned that it relaxed me, so I stared cooking more. It's a good thing to because you can't cook a lick."

Adrienne shoves me on the shoulder smiling.

"Shut-up. So, what if I can't cook?"

"No worries, I'll cook for you all the time. Let's eat."


The meal of SeaMillett, potato casserole, grilled asparagus, and rolls was great but topping it off with strawberry cake made it amazing.

"Liam, I'm extremely full. I fill like my stomach will burst at any moment now."

"Good. Will you do me a favor."

She nods her head yes.

While she does that I stand, move my chair to the side, and kneel before her on one knee. I take the paper from her hand.

"This is the most important letter that I have written to you. I'm going to read it to you."

"My Adrienne,

...please know that I genuinely love you. Everything that I need, I find in you when I stare into your beautiful brown eyes. Eyes are the window of our souls and now that my soul has attached It'self to you, we are one heartbeat with two souls.

Pausing from the letter, I move closer to her, take her hand, and place it on my heart. I place my free hand on her heart.

Take your hand and place it my heart. I'll do the same. Listen. See our heartbeats beat as one. I can never be apart from you. This night I am asking you to join me for eternity. Adrienne, my love will you marry me?

Love Liam"

Our heart beats slow and as stated in my letter they start to beat together. Looking up from the letter I see tears in her eyes as she lunches toward me wrapping her arms around my neck. Sobs escape her lips as I put my nose between her neck and her collar bone getting lost in her intoxicating scent. Her grip on my neck doesn't loosen so I pry her arms from around me and look at her beautiful face drenched with tears. Taking a moment to tenderly wipe them away and move the curls that fall into her face I look at her.

Nervously waiting.

She doesn't respond. She simply returns my stare.

She's' crying, she looks happy, but what if deep down what if she doesn't want to but out of obligation feels like she has to say yes.

She shakes her head yes, "Yes, Liam I will marry you."

I'm sure my smile is brighter than the lights that surround us.

"Are you sure? Are you sure you're not saying yes because It's the law?"

"I'm saying yes because I love you."

Suddenly, I'm pulling her back into me, embracing her. She sweetly places a soft kiss on my cheek.

Releasing her a bit I present her with the ring box and open it for her.

"Liam, oh my. That's exquisite."

"Do you like it?"


Smiling I slide the ring onto her finger.

"Adrienne, I love you to. Will you do me a favor?"


"Kiss me."

"Yes, after you give me my note."

We both laugh. I give her the letter and sit on the ground underneath on of the tree and signal for her to join me. She walks toward me but hesitates to sit down. Even after I pat the ground.

"No, Liam, I'm not sitting on that cold ground."

She cause me to smile at her; things like the cold ground never bothered me. I'll have to get accustomed to having another to consider.

"Adrienne if you're going to be my wife you need to obey me."

"Please, the ground is cold."


I pull her onto my lap, wrap my muscular arms around her, and a giggle escaped her lips.

"Lovely will kill me if she sees me sitting on your lap."

"No, I made you do it. I'll tell her."

Hopefully, she feels completely safe and protected in my arms. Her head rests against my chest and she draws her legs up and wraps her arms around her knees. I wrap my arms around her entire body. We rock from side to side as I lean my face near her ear.



"You are the light of my world; you are my everything."

"No Liam, stop it," Adrienne whisper yells covering her ears.

She attempts to pull away from me but is stopped as my grip becomes tighter.


"Shut up Liam it sounds horrible! You are good at many things, but you cannot sing."

She giggles loudly still trying to escape my grip.

"Hey, I'm trying to serenade my lady."

Gripping her waist, I turn her toward me, and she straddles my lap.

"May I have that kiss now?"

She leans in and looks at me in the eyes before parting her lips and seductively slowly rubbing her lips over mine; her lips massage mine as she closes them.

Freaking sexy.

My hands make their way to her cheeks as I slowly kiss her back. Slowly opening my mouth with each pass, she does the same until the opening is wide enough for my tongue to make It's way in.

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