Chapter 19: Attention To You

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We walk on the beach, except for Liam and Taylor who are the biggest showoffs. Liam can shoot up into the air up to 15 feet with his so called "lightening power." His body illuminates with a bright white light each time he prepares to jump and sparks trail behind his body as he goes up into the air. He keeps attempting to go higher while Taylor keeps disappearing; shoving us as we attempt to enjoy our walk.

"Did I jump higher that time Michael?" Liam asks.

"It looks about the same try it again."

Liam turns and faces us all and hold his hands toward us gesturing for us to stop.

"Okay, everyone watching one, two, three," he says leaping higher in the air, "Whooohoo!"

"Hey, Ari look at him or he's going to do it again."

"He's a showoff Michael; I don't want to watch his behind."

"He's trying to impress you, humor him."


"So that he'll stop annoying us and because he's in love with you."

"I don't have time for his childhood games, besides I can jump too and without lightening power to shoot me up, watch."

"Oh no someone call Evan, Ari's about to hurt herself."

I ignore him. This is my fifty-third day, wishing my powers will soon develop. A new gift had bestowed It'self on everyone except me. It's quite irritating being a late bloomer amid Waldemar's fifth generation of young adults gaining powers. I should at least have the basic three now; flight, enhanced hearing, and enhanced smell; everyone gets those. Well, since Liam is showing off, I'll make fun of him and do it just like he does. Then, I'll fall on my behind. Making fun of Liam may have been disrespectful but he irritates me so, even more than being a late bloomer. Let me face everyone.

"Shut up, watch everyone ready. One, two, three— "

My body leaps into the air only it does not fall back down to the ground by gravitational pull, it floats. Fear comes over me. Liam lands and looks up at me with a corny smile on his face. The wind forced my body to float from to the right and then to the left.

"Whoa, somebody help me."

Liam lightly hops back up and hovers in the air in front of me. He reaches out his hand and gently grabs my forearm to help me balance.


"Ari, it's okay just balance yourself and float. Looks like you can fly after all, for a minute there I thought I would have to usher you everywhere. Not that I would mind it."

He smiles at me. I can't stand it and try to hit him only grab onto his arms tighter after wobbling.

"How do I do it?"

"Relax, look at me. That's it look into my eyes and breathe. Don't think about it."

My feet feel as if I were on a building about to stumble to my death. It is the strangest feeling. But once relaxation takes over me the feeling changes. The building disappears and a new feeling of that of an , a small animal of flight, takes over.

Liam speak to me, but my ears tune him out. He gazes into my eyes; his beautiful grayish eyes hold my attention. The wind lifts me higher as my hands grabbed onto his neck.

"Liam, help me get down."

"No. You can do this Adrienne. Fly like an airfowl."

"But I don't know how to."

"It's okay. Just put your arms out to the side and image how it will it fly. It's okay if It's messy, flap your arms if you have to."

"No what if I fall."

"I'll catch you. I'm going to let your hands go."

"No, wait— "

He ignores my plea, and my body is lifted higher by the wind I hold my arms out in front of me as my body flies forward, moving with the wind. The cool wind against my face is liberating. This is truly a freedom that I've never known before.

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