Chapter 88: Nightmare

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Instead of luminous purple rays protruding from my eyes, they are met with bright white lights. It is strange staring into a bright light in reverse.

"Ari, look up," Preston says.

I do so while attempting to ignore the slight headache the lights give me.

"Look to the left. Good. Now to the right." He says.

"Why are you looking in my eyes? I'm here for my armstation."

"Routine. Your eyes also look glazed. How do you feel?"

"The light is giving me a headache. Other than that, I feel fine."

"Okay, lay down."

Laying down makes the lights appear brighter and I immediately close my eyes.

"Harrison, please dim the lights," Preston commands Harrison, who is working from the medical station.

"No, please turn them completely off."

"We need some light to check you out. I'll turn off the overhead lights, okay."

"Okay,' I say as I close my eyes."

"Overhead lights, off please," Preston says.

I immediately feel slightly better.

"Just relax," Preston says in a comforting voice as he gently touches my shoulder.


"Door alert by Jinx Spade."

Jinx Spade, I should probably get that. I stand from my comfortable place on the couch and approach my suite's front door. Beautiful soft hands wrap around my waist.

"No Ari," her low sweet voice pleads with me from behind, "please."

"I'm sorry, I have to."

Her forehead shakes back and forth against my back as she squeezes my waist tighter, "No Ari."

"Door open."

Jinx Spade steps through the entryway with her usual sultry walk, dressed in a deep red corset vest with matching skinny leather pants. Totally out of character, her heels appear a bit taller than her usual pairs by an inch and her hair freely flows down her back in wet look. She approaches me as I study her relaxed body language.

"Hey Ari," she whispers as she leans in toward me.

I'm immediately pulled back.

"No, Ari."

Jinx Spade steps forward and reaches for the arms tightly wrapped around my waist and tries to pry them off.

I step back, "Don't touch her," I say.

"Let her go," Jinx commands in a menacing voice, completely ignoring me.

Her head shakes no against my back.

"Hey!" I yell gaining Jinx's attention, "I asked you not to speak to her nor touch her!"

Jinx Spade ignores me and reaches for the arms that wrap around me, causing me to push her hands away and step back.

"I said don't touch her!"

"Get your hands off her!" Jinx Spade yells, ignoring me.

"Jinx! Freaking stop it right now!" I yell gaining her attention.

"I don't like her touching you. Tell her to let go and let's talk in private," Jinx says.

"No, Ari; please don't."

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