Chapter 26: Ari's Villa

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As quickly as the last six weeks began, they are over. Instead of sitting across from him on the skydrift, I sit by his side, resting my head on his shoulder, and intertwining my fingers with his, as he sits in his window seat watching the stars swiftly float by.

"I have a surprise when we return."

"What is it?"

"It will not be a surprise if I told you. If you like I can show you right after we get back but if you want to nap first, I'll show you later."

"No show me when we get back. Is it my very own skydrift?"

"No, it isn't. Why will you guess that?"

"Because I need one."

"Absolutely not Ari. Use mine."

"Please," I bat my long lashes up at him, innocently like Jessica clandestinely taught me when we were away from anyone that would expose us.

"Fine. I'll get you one, but you can't take it out alone."

"Okay. Uh, Liam, let's get matching ones."



"I'm not flying around in red skydirft."

"Ha, that's deep red to you buddy. It won't be fully red, it will only have touches of red."

"I'm definitely not flying in a girls skydrift. No fancy colors, you need something that will blend in with nature. No go to sleep."

He kisses me sweetly on the head.


Finally, we've arrived back on Adira Island. Extremely too early, as the suns have yet to make their appearance. With me still yet powerless as compared to other Plethorians, I suppose he thought that nighttime travel is for the best.

He eagerly leads me from his skydrift to the , an oversized underground storage place for all Waldemar vehicles on the Adira. Vehicles of flight, sea, and land all reside here in their designated places; rarely being used due to our abilities. Vehicles of flight, are unquestionably the most used vehicles. Liam grabs onto my hand and leads me to his section of vehicles. His largest spot, presumably where his skydrift should go is empty.

"Hey Liam?"

"Yes, sweetheart."

"Why didn't the Droids park you skydrift."

"They will, after each flight the maintenance it to make sure It's ready to go for the next trip."


I should know things like that.

He points to another space and there in the parking space sit's a brand new metallic light blue colored vehicle with its roof down drawing one's eyes to the dark hyper tinted windows; purposely parked sideways taking up two spots.

"A Trydon, that is so cool, thank you Liam."

It isn't the kind of wedding gift expected but It's definitely a fine one.

"Let's go for a spin."

I jump over the door and into the driver's seat while Liam stands outside of the vehicle and looking at me nervously.

"Um, Ari I bought this for me."

My mistake, this is embarrassing; when he said he has a surprise for me I assumed this was it.

"I'm sorry I assumed that— "

"Your surprise isn't here. We have to drive to it."

"Why can't we just fly."

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