Chapter 64: I'm Nothing Like Him

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"Ari, calm down," Tessa says as she watches me pace the floor.

"Calm down, calm down, is that all everyone can say?" I ask while I stop pacing and take a moment to glance at each of them as they stay perched in the triangular formation they have around me.

Samantha shakes her head in agreement from the couch while she pops a blueberry in her mouth.

Tessa shrugs her shoulders as she sits on the bed.

Michael stands in front of the front door, unresponsive, totally focused on his duty of blocking my escape; if I should try it again. I look around him, trying to figure out how to get past him.

"Ari, what's done is done. You agreed to come here and let Liam try to get through to Ever. Why are you fighting it now?"

"She –, Jinx Spade somewhat listens to me. I can probably help."

"Or get in the way," Samantha says while chewing on different blueberries.

I walk over to her and knock the bowl of fruit out of her hands.

"Hey," Samantha says as she focuses her attention on picking up the blueberries.

"Ari," Michael says with a stern tone obviously not happy with my actions.

"Sorry Sammie; You guys just don't understand, I need to get out of here," I say while clinching locks of my hair in my hands against my head.

I have to get out of here, I can't let Liam find out from Jinx Spade. I look at the door and Michael shakes his head no. Darn it, I wish we could use our powers off of Adira Island, I'll send them all flying elsewhere.

Harrison, yes Harrison. I'll message him, perhaps he can have a chat with Jinx Spade; but what if it hasn't occurred to her to tell Liam? I'll be handing her blackmail material. Think, think, think. Knowing the Jinx Spade that I've come accustomed to she'll tell Liam the first chance she gets.

Augh, I hate we haven't given Ever an armstation, it would make it so easy to get in contact with her so much easier, and at least I would be able to talk to Jinx Spade about her plans. I should have talked to her prior to Liam's release but I feared putting myself in a compromising position.

Let me message Harrison, I'll have him talk to her and get an idea without directly asking her.

"Ari," who are you messaging?" Michael asks.

I can't say, Liam, otherwise, he'll call him and tell him to expect a message from me.

"Are you keeping me company or am I your prisoner Michael because it seems more like the latter," I say sarcastically while looking away from my armstation.

"We're keeping you company."

"No, they are," I say while motioning between Tessa and Samantha, "but you, I don't know what you are doing. Does it matter who I call or message?"



"It's important that you give Liam time to try to reach Ever, we can't have someone accidentally mentioning to Jinx Spade that you're here."

"I'm well aware of that! Besides she has to know that I'm gone. She hasn't exactly been ignorant of my avoidance techniques, now has she?"

"I suppose not."

"Won't you agree that she is looking for me as we speak?" I ask calming down a bit.

"Of course."

"So why does it matter if someone accidentally tells her that I'm here? If she want to come looking for me, she will."

"Are you hoping that she does?"

"Why would you ask that?" I ask moving closer to him, "Why would I be hoping that she shows up here?"

"I wouldn't know. Why would that question upset you? Unless it were true."

"Get out!" I yell moving closer to him.

He stays in his palace, staring at me, "I'm sorry, I'm under Liam's order. I'll leave when he commands it."

"Fine, stay there. Tessa, Samantha, will you please join me on the balcony," I say as I walk out of the room.

Tessa and Samantha follow me and we take a seat, in three of the seven white vinyl mesh patio lounge chairs that line the balcony, momentarily enjoying the view and nice weather. If I were on the first or second floor, I would have jumped over the railing and made a run for it but I supposed that's why Liam booked the top floor. I foolishly fell right into his plan.

"Ari, please don't be mad at Michael, he just doing his job," Samantha says.

"I know," I quietly say.

The warm suns and soft breeze certainly are relaxing. I think I'll stay out here for the remainder of the day.

"Ari, what is going on with you? Truthfully," Tessa says out of concern.

"I'm just irritated that I don't know what's going on with Ever," I respond while leaning against the headrest.

"I understand, is that all?" she asks while sitting on the end of my lounge chair.

No, I need to somehow get in contact with Jinx Spade.


"Ari, I'm sorry I don't believe you."

"Tessa, she'll tell us when or if she's ready to," Samantha says while approaching us and sitting next to Tessa.

Tessa nods her head in response and takes Samantha's hands into hers. They have been through an awful lot together and have managed to keep their relationship intact; I inspire to be like them. Hopefully, after everything settles, Ever and I will still have love to stand on.

If only I can get a hold of Jinx Spade. Oh, Ava, she may be able to help. I'll message her.

"Ari, who are you messaging?" Tessa asks.

I roll my eyes in response, "You're just like your husband," I say.

"So are you, in many ways."

"I'm nothing like him."

"Hum," she replies while Samantha giggles.

"I'm messaging Ava, I just want to know if she's seen or talked to Jinx Spade. She won't tell Jinx Spade anything."

"Okay, let me see," Tessa says while taking a hold of my wrist.

She looks at my message and holds out my arm to show it to Samantha who laughs.

"I wish I could be there," Samantha says while holding her hand on her chest and laughing.

"Me too," Tessa says with a giggle of her own.

"May I send the message Mr. Michael?" I mockingly ask.

"If you wish."

Samantha activates her armstation and begins to send a message of her own.

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