Chapter 122: A Gift

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I swear this is the fifth time that she has called Liam and me within the last thirty minutes. Whatever it is it may be of the utmost importance but being Taylor I doubt it.

Although I desire to continue laying here on top of my husband, I should take this call. I'll keep it short.

"Adrienne, don't answer that," Liam pleads as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"If I don't she'll keep calling or come knocking on our door," Adrienne replies.

"Hello," she says as she answers the call and projects her screen.

"Finally. Get out of bed. Liam, I have a gift for you?" Taylor says.

"We're busy at the moment, it will have to wait," Liam says.

"You're being lazy. Anyway, you are going to want to see this, trust me. I want you guys and Michael to meet in the old torture room, in about an hour," she says.

I look at Liam and he shakes his head no.

"I'm serious Liam, please," Taylor says.

"I know darling. Call Michael and have him meet us there. We see you soon. Thanks," he replies.

"Okay, bye," Taylor says before disconnecting the call.


The smell of this cold room brings back so many wonderful memories of torturing our enemies until they mentally broke, all of which we got away with. I mostly participated by watching and learning, but even in that, it was great. Oh, the good old days. Unfortunately, the new laws we agreed to make this place of beauty illegal. Though we agreed upon destroying such facilities the thought never crossed our minds to do it; that would have been foolish.

We should have made this place legal but what fun would there be in that- it would be highly regulated.

To our right, Preston, Harrison, Michael, and Taylor sit in the dim lights of the room waiting on us.

Though I can see everything pretty clearly, I find myself annoyed by the dim lights.

"Why do you have it so dim in here? Can we turn on more lights?" I ask.

"No, we will not be here long. Preston, Harrison, I want you guys to do something for me," Taylor says.

"Sure, what is it?" Harrison asks.

"I need you to implant a tracking device into Ever and no one outside this room can know about it.," Taylor replies.

"Okay, that will be quick and easy, when is she coming?" Preston says.

"No Preston, I don't want it implanted under the skin behind her ears, that's traceable. I want it inserted near her heart and linked to Liam's armstation and she cannot know about it."

"What, we cannot do that!" Preston shouts.

"Why not? You two are exceptionally good at what you do," Taylor says, "Iw will help Liam keep track of her and watch everyone she interacts with and every conversation she has."

"It's unethical," Harrison states matter-of-factly.

"Only if we get caught," Taylor quickly replies.

"She's right, only if we get caught. How will we implant it without her okay? Have you thought that far ahead?" Liam says seemingly pleased with the idea.

"No," Taylor replies.

"Well darn, how can we do it?" Liam sarcastically asks, "Come up with a plan. If anything comes to I'll take the fall. By the way, thanks for the gift."

"Dude, you have a serious prison wish. When can we do it?" Preston asks.

"Let me figure that out. Will it harm her heart?" Liam asks.

"No, we can do it," Harrison says.

"How long will it take her to heal?" Liams asks.

"A day or two," Harrison says.

"Thanks and guys this conversation never occurred," Liam says.

Are they freaking crazy?

"Hey, excuse me, but are you all crazy? We are not putting a tracking device in her. This will make her think we don't trust her," I protest.

"We're not spying on her, we're spying on them," Liam replies.

"I don't care, I don't agree to it so we're not doing it."

"Adrienne," he replies.

"Liam," I reply using the same annoyed tone he took with me.




"Liam Adzon Waldemar! We are not doing this and don't you dare go behind my back and try to do so!"

"Fine, let's drop it for now," Liam says with a hint of anger laced in his voice.

Unaffected by his anger, I smile, "Of course," I reply.

"Let's get out of here, it's cold and I need to meet with Michael and Taylor privately," Liam says.

"How is it working out—having Taylor on your cavalry?" Preston asks.

"Hey, I'm not that bad," Taylor says playfully.

"She isn't- on most days, " Liam says.

"Do you miss working with Edison?" Preston asks.

"Of course, but Edison deserved the promotion," Liam replies.

"Well, I sure miss the old calm atmosphere in the office–" Michael says.

"Hey–," Taylor interrupts.

"But I'm glad to have her around," Micheal says in a nonchalant tone.

Harrison leans near Michael and asks, "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know. Tired I guess," Michael says and then directs his attention toward Taylor, "One thing is for sure Lovely is proud of you. I can see it in her eyes when she looks at you. It saddens her that she cannot have you."

"I agree. Lovely has been routing for you for years," Harrison says with a smile.

A smile that makes me slightly uncomfortable.


"You took long enough," Ava says as she rolls her eyes.

"Hey," Michael says appearing in the room.

"I'm only one minute late, why is Michael here?"

"He's here to help Edison and Glacee out in the kitchen. Come one," she replies as she motions is to follow her."

"What are they doing?" I ask as we head to the kitchen.

"Preparing meat. We're going to barbecue."

"Why didn't you guys tell me."

"It wasn't planned. Appartanely Edison woke up with a hunger for barbecue."

"Is this why you called me over here? To help?" I ask.

"No, Ari– I mean your skills will be best utilized preparing the vegetables," Micheal says.

"Hey, I can do more than chop vegetables," I say slightly offended by his remark.

Instead of replying he smiles at me. Somehow I become nervous under his stare.

"What is it?" I ask.

"You remind me of Jessica, it's like a little bit of her is still here. I love that about you," he says.

"Thank you, I miss her too."

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