Chapter 4: Who?

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We have managed to make up again and it has been a long time since we slept together in bed. Jessica's arms around me are comforting, it feels like our mother's arms regardless of her being only three years older than me.

Unfortunately, our peace is rudely interrupted by Natalie. She beckons for us to follow her into Lovely's bedroom, why?

Lovely sits on her chaise couch, with a face of disappointment and a small whip in her hand, surely, she was waiting for us. Natalie forcibly makes us sit in front of Lovely. She hurt my darn arm.

"By your juvenile judgments and behaviors, you have forced Adrienne to become the big sister in your relationship. It is such a pity that you have allowed yourself to wither away."

"Please Queen Lovely, you know she and mother were remarkably close. We just need time to heal."

"There it is again; your wiliness to take up for her. Adrienne you will do well to learn that you cannot help a Plethorian unless they desire to be helped, otherwise, it is a complete waste of your time."

Her comment shames me, she is correct.

"Now Jessica please tell me where you got the Addictive Purple Powder from?"

"APP, I don't take that."

"Lying is unacceptable I am aware that you consume it. is not allowed on Adira Island and because you never leave the island it is okay to assume that it is being supplied to you. Who is the Waldemar that provided you with the supply?"

"I don't know."

Unexpectedly, Queen Lovely grabs me by the throat. Ouch, this pain is horrible as it rushes through me as she squeezes my neck with her hand like it's a stress ball. It feels like she has the strength of a man. I can't breathe; these attempted coughs fail to make their way out of my throat.

"Jessica if you refuse to name your supplier your sister shall lose her life in front of you.

Pure hatred sprouts out of her eyes toward Jessica. Stories of Lovely's meanness spread among us but to me, they were just fables until now- that I'm a victim of it. Fear for Jessica's life and my life fills me.

"Okay, okay I will tell you. Please don't hurt her. It's Brady."

Good, Lovely loosen my throat from her hand-made noose but these coughs are uncontrollable as my body falls to the floor in a fetal position. Jessica pulls my hair out of my face, conceivably she's making sure I'm okay before pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, Jessica. Now funds from your parents' estate are yet to be released, how did you pay him?"

Jessica simply stares at Lovely. This sudden silence is extremely eerie. Will she answer her?

"Look at this whip in my hand Jessica, if you refuse to tell me the truth Adrienne will suffer the consequences."

"Okay. He, he, he... told me to, you know to— "

"I understand. Did you have to do anything else? Did you have sex with him?"

"No, I didn't... you know. I just kissed him. Please don't tell Michael."

"You two need to understand as young women in training you are delicate as flowers. It is unacceptable for you to engage in any sexual activity with anyone or in any kind of way. You are a prize and that is worth saving yourselves for the right man regardless of what they all may tell you."

"Shut up! How can you tell us to keep ourselves when you sleep with everyone?"

Lovely walks approach us, crouches down, and slaps Jessica with all of her might. The crackling loud noise fills the room. Even from my place on this floor, it rings in my ears. It's painful to hear.

"Jessica tonight you will sleep alone in our Peace room and you will not perform in tomorrow's ceremony."

Seclusion, in a time like this, how horrible.

"Natalie please escort Jessica to our Peace room. Thank you. Come up here Adrienne," Lovely says giving me a sad yet comforting look, "don't worry it is just for a night. She must learn not to disrespect her leadership regardless of what she thinks of them. If the Plethorian cannot be respected she should at least respect the position. Come sit next to me."

A bit of grief appears across her face as she stares toward the moonlight that shines through her window. The pain around my neck and my slowness of breath has ceased with my new curiosity in her demander.

"You know Adrienne I envy you guys. You do not realize how special you are. Virginity is not everything, but it is something that you cannot get back if you lose it and one of the most precious things you can give away. When I was younger mine was stolen by two Chevalier men. If I could wish for anything, I would wish to get it back."

I never knew that "How old were you?"

"A few years older than you; because I was to be Queen it was their delight. My family refused to believe me. Oh, Adrienne do not look that way. I am sorry I have upset you."

"I'm just sorry that happened to you."

"It is part of my past, but it made me stronger. It is not what you may go through in life, but it is about how you take those things and allow them to make you a stronger plethorian. I am sorry I harmed you to get to the truth. You may return to your suite."  

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