Chapter 136: A Little Talk

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Finally, they're back, and Ever has completed that awful task. I was received when I received the alert that she was accepted as passed. Now all she has to do is prepare to be High Queen.

High Queen.

Liam mentioned she didn't want it. I'll have to ask them about it.

They should be here in a moment now, finishing their checkup and making sure trackers or recorders weren't placed in them. It's a good thing the food will be here in thirty minutes, everyone's favorite; dinner should be festive.

Droid arrived moments ago to set up tables for our after dinner couples massage.

This evening will be nice.

"Adrienne, sweetheart," Liam's voice calls.

I turn and notice Liam and Ever standing in my front room.

"Honey," I yell and jump into Liam's arms.

He lifts me and spins me around. I wrap my legs around him.

"I missed you," he says as he puts me down.

He pulls my chin toward him and places his soft but strong lips against mine.

Unfortunately, as much as I'm drawn to his lips and his kiss, we must part so that I can say hello to Ever. As I pull back, I notice the disappointment on his face. I grab Ever, pull her against me, and wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"I've missed you too," I say and kiss her on the cheek, "I'm sorry if I almost messed it up for you," I say.

"No, it was fine; even after you left, everyone was nice," Ever replies.

"Thanks," I reply, unfortunately, I feel slightly guilty.

"I ordered dinner. It should be here in a few minutes, that will give you guys enough time for a quick shower.


Everything looks amazing. I knew a candle-lit dinner would be great. Hopefully, nightfall will arrive soon and we can open the windows to let the night light come in. Liam digs into his food as if he hasn't had a good meal in years while Ever takes her time as she usually does.

"Baby, are you excited to be accepted among all families?" I ask.

Ever smiles and the room radiates with joy.

"That would be a yes," Liam says with a smile on his stuffed face.

Ever nods her head in agreement.

"I'm happy for you. You're the first and only Plethorian that can travel among all families, how does that feel?" I ask as I attempt to hide the concern in my voice.

Hopefully, she doesn't hide from us behind any of them. That would stress me out to no end.

"I don't know how to feel, I haven't thought about it," she says.

Light conversation is nice, but there's a question that has been tugging at me since I left the Chevalier's mansion.

"I have a relaxing evening planned for us and I don't plan on spoiling it by asking questions about your stay but there is something that has been bothering me, therefore I need to ask. When I was Liam Liam mentioned that you didn't want your crown, is that true?" I ask.

Ever looks around before her eyes land on me.

"I um, I just want to be me. I don't want to rule over anyone," she mumbles.

Doesn't she realize that it is her birthright and she doesn't have an option? Anyone else would jump at the chance of being royalty and changing things.

Wait. I need to consider how she learned about this. Heck, a few weeks ago she only learned that she is both Waldemar and Chevalier, years ago such individual plethorians would have been out to death, she has to learn who her parents were, and how to run a kingdom all on top of not knowing who she really is.

I wonder if she'll still love us if she remembers everything.

"It's okay, I can understand that a lot was dumped on you. It may take time but you'll get there. I don't think anyone is expecting you to know how to rule a kingdom night, especially since your memories were taken away," I say and place my hand on top of her hand.

"What if I don't ever want to be High Queen?"

"I don't know but I think we'll work something out. Don't worry about it too much. Let's relax and enjoy the evening," I say, "Next week just focus on picking everything you'll like for your ceremony."

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