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Welcome to Howl in the Night!

Now, I know I don't usually do this but before we get into the actual story here is some information about the world. Mainly because I want to make this clear now: This is not an omegaverse story

The things that EZRAisTHEBEST and I wrote here were to keep the story straight.

You guys can skip this part if you want as most of it will get explained later.

They can be made anywhere, a pack of werewolves might be living in a small neighbourhood, or all be on the same street, some bigger packs might even have their own town or village. Most werewolves spread out their jobs into health, education, law enforcement, farming, hunting, etc, to help provide for their pack.

Every pack does have an alpha who is the leader, if it is quite a large pack there might be a second in command who is considered the pack's beta. Along with that there is generally a pack council made up of different members of the community to help make any major decisions.

Becoming leader:
The roles of alpha and beta work like a monarchy, the oldest born child will become the alpha and if they pass away before having kids then it'll be the next oldest in the family. The child of an alpha will take over the role when they turn a certain age which can vary from pack to pack (some packs have it that the oldest becomes alpha on their 18th birthday, or on their 25th for example) or if they find their soulmate, whichever comes first.

A werewolf can attempt to overthrow either the alpha or beta with a fight. Depending on the pack, the loser of the fight is allowed to stay in the pack but they generally leave regardless. A whole pack can overthrow the alpha and/or beta if they aren’t fit to lead.

Second genders:
Werewolves do not have a second gender, or people might refer to it as a rank. They aren't born alpha, beta, or omega. You are just born a werewolf if you have at least one werewolf parent.

Although nobody knows how, but everyone has a soulmate, someone who they are destined to be with. Humans are not strong enough to sense them though. A werewolf only starts sensing their mate after they have been through puberty. Being around their soulmate makes them feel an indescribable feeling of happiness. They will only feel pain by being rejected if they already develop feelings for their soulmate, which does often happen quickly for werewolves.

Finding their soulmate:
After going through puberty, werewolves can sense their soulmate if they are in a close enough area. They will smell of something irresistible which will draw the werewolf in, distracting them from whatever they may be doing at the time. It is a cause for partying and celebration when a werewolf finds their soulmate.

When a werewolf finds their soulmate, whether that soulmate is werewolf or not, they will instinctively do anything to protect them. They will usually attack anyone who seems to hurt or threaten their soulmate in any way, and this goes for both their conscious and subconscious. Even if a werewolf is asleep, they will want to keep their soulmate close and can sense when other people are near them (except if they are the werewolf’s biological children). When they are with mates who are not their soulmates this can also occur, but it is uncommon.

If werewolves decide not to go with their soulmate or do not find their soulmate then that is fine, they can in reality get with anyone. The only difference is that normal mates can go through rougher relationships than soulmates. If two werewolves agree to become mates but have not met their soulmate yet they are considered being ‘unfound mates’. Alphas and betas tend to be more respected if they end up with their soulmate over an unfound mate. Often unfound mates will make an agreement to marry one another if they can’t find their soulmates at a certain age.

Human relationships:
Sometimes werewolves will fall in love with humans, as either unfound mates or soulmates. A lot of the time though werewolves do end up leaving the pack if they are mated to a human, since humans are often seen as weak or vulnerable because of their much weaker senses. Several packs have got rules in place against mating humans.

Different relationships:
Soulmates and mates can be between any gender, ethnicity, or even between wolves and humans. In a gay or lesbian relationship one can not impregnate another, and often resort to fertilisation or surrogacy (same sex werewolf couples often have multiple children so both people in the relationship have at least one biological child).

Because werewolves are part wolf, they have better, stronger senses than humans have. They have better sight, smell, and hearing when they are in both their human and wolf form. It is also easier to build up speed and muscle as a werewolf so they’re generally stronger.

Similarities in diet:
Werewolves have a lot in common with the diet of wolves and dogs. They eat large amounts of meat and eating things such as chocolate can make them sick, so while they can eat it, it is very rare.

Neither of these are a thing, there will not be a certain time of the month or year where they become horny. The only thing that is remotely similar is that sometimes werewolves feel the urge to be close to their soulmate after meeting and it often ends up with the two of them becoming intimate, which is why werewolves rejecting their soulmates is uncommon.

Werewolves do this when they are feeling stressed or scared, a nest is a safe space and if they do have a mate they will make them nests as a way of courting or comforting them. Nests can also be made for other people asides mates, such as for children, siblings, or even other friends and family members who need comfort.

While marking and scenting are not essential for mates or any form of relationship, a lot of werewolves do end up doing this. They are both ways of saying that they are in a relationship with someone. Marking is considered intimate and is something only done between mates, but scenting can be used on children, friends, or close family members to show a strong connection.

Shifting/second forms:
Werewolves can turn into a second form which is (as you'd expect) a wolf. There are no limits to how often they can change but there are certain laws (set out by a pack council) over where you can and can not shift. (For example people can not shift inside a school classroom because it gets destructive and can be a distraction for learning). They also do not lose their clothes when they shift.

Anyway, onto the story

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