Chapter 29: Visit

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George POV.
One month later

I had been counting down the days until the holidays. Karl, was coming into town this evening to stay for two weeks. School had wrapped up in North Carolina a couple days earlier, he was now probably just outside of Florida at this point. We had planned it that I would finish school and, if traffic was good, he should arrive ten minutes after I get home.

My final class of the day was English, and I had taken it to lounging out over the two seats, mine and Dream’s. The teacher was watching me as I did this, but she didn’t say anything. I just wanted to do this since if Dream came back I would be back down to one seat.

I hadn’t seen Dream for a month, ever since that day where he revealed to me that he was a werewolf, which I remember as though it was yesterday. That strange feeling that I had had ever since then was still in the back of my mind at all times, but I managed to ignore it now.

The only issue was Dream’s friends. None of them knew why I was avoiding them, that I had found that they and the rest of our town were all werewolves. I spent most of my spare time hiding in the library, where not many students came, so there were no werewolves I had to worry about. Everyone seemed fine avoiding me except for Sapnap.

He had started up a habit of coming to me every so often to try and talk me into going to visit Dream, but every single time he asked me to go with him to see the blond I turned him down. I didn’t ever go into a huge explanation but basically told him that Dream had been stalking me, and that the ravenette had even witnessed that once, and so I wanted to be left alone.

When the final bell rang for the week, the students all around me all seemed eager to hurry out and go off to do their own things now that they had a few weeks vacation. I just did what I usually did and hung back until most of the crowd had left the classroom and the hallway so that I wouldn’t be in the middle of a group of werewolves.

As my classmates passed me my gaze darted back and forth, just in case any of them tried coming over in my direction for any reason. It probably was stupid, I mean if they were planning on killing me, then they would have done it already.

But maybe that’s what they wanted me to think and they were trying to lower my guard. Then when I wasn’t prepared for an attack they’d grab me and do whatever it was they would want to do with a much weaker person. The thought made me shiver, but I think an adult werewolf like my English teacher would be worse to deal with so I also tried not to hang around for too long.

Fortunately by the time I stepped out of the English classroom the crowd had gone, leaving behind only a few stragglers talking to teachers or emptying their lockers. One of the stragglers though, just so happened to be one of the werewolves that I was more desperate to avoid than others.

Sapnap gave a small smile as he walked over to me, and I made no effort to move away before he reached me, or attempt to block him out. I knew that he’d likely just follow me until I stopped to listen to whatever it was he had to say, and I also knew that he was much faster than I was so if I did try to leave he would catch up with me.

“Are you excited for the holidays?” He asked, wanting to make casual conversation with me as I began walking towards my locker to drop some stuff off. I just knew he was trying to lure me into a talkative mood before asking the inevitable question about me visiting Dream.
“I guess, I’m looking forward to a break from all this schoolwork.” I responded.

“Yeah me too.” The ravenette nodded. “I don’t know why I continue to take History, almost every week they’d have us writing a report about the Founding Fathers, or World War Two, or some kind of disease. It gets very boring.”
“Well it’s a good thing I don’t take history.” As I spoke I reached my locker and unlocked it.

I began to sift through the contents of my locker, briefly considering if there was anything that I should take home with me. Sapnap leaned up against the lockers to continue talking. “Would you want to come to visit Dream with me?” He asked, a lot more bluntly than he usually is. “Like, right now. If you’re free. Or tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry Sapnap.” I spoke solemnly. “I’ve got plans today. My friend is driving down from North Carolina, and so I’m really looking forward to seeing him.”
“Oh.” Sapnap seemed more upset. “Then how about tomorrow? Or Sunday?” His constant insisting was nice, but I was over it by this point.

“Sapnap, my friend is staying for the entire holidays. Most of my spare time I will be spending with him.” I informed the ravenette. “And I’m still not in the mood to see Dream.”
“Well, even if your friend comes along, surely he’d want to meet your friends from here, such as Dream.”

I rolled my eyes and began walking, no matter how many times I repeated it, it seemed as though he always forgets. “Dream isn’t my friend Sapnap. He stalked me and ended up licking my face. Couldn’t that be considered sexual assault?”

“Well, I mean do you consider a labrador licking your face sexual assault?” Sapnap asked in response, not caring if this was obviously not the same situation.
I didn’t listen to that of course, continuing to walk out onto the street out and in the direction of my home, with Sapnap continuing to follow me.

“Please, can you just leave me alone for today?” I asked. “I understand that you care about your friend, but he has done nothing except lie to me in order to get close to me.”
“George. I don’t think you understand how this works.” The ravenette began. “Werewolves aren’t as simple as humans are and-”

“I hate to be rude Sapnap, but I have to go. I don’t want anything to do with you, Dream, or any of this other werewolf bullshit. I didn’t want to be a part of this, the only reason I am here is because my parents moved to this town and I can’t legally live on my own until I’m eighteen.”

“But Dream he… he needs you.” Sapnap spoke sympathetically. His words made me feel conflicted. The feeling I’d been pushing down for the past few weeks was beginning to surface again, but before it could develop into anything I shook my head.
“As I’ve said a hundred times, I’m not interested.”
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