Chapter 83: Sleep Call

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George POV.

“How come you haven’t called me yet!?” Karl asked loudly into the phone, but I immediately shushed him. “What?” He asked, sounding agitated. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m sorry.” I told him. “Just stressed. Plus, Dream is still asleep. I don’t want you to wake him up with yelling and bitching.”

Karl scoffed, sounding offended. “I do not yell and bitch thank you very much.” His voice was firm and annoyed but then he giggled. “But I also do not want to wake up an overprotected werewolf alpha. Wattpad has warned me enough about how protective alpha’s can be when their mate gets woken up.” That got even more giggles from both of us.

“Don’t tell me that you are actually comparing this to Wattpad. I thought we’d both matured past that.” I told him. My quiet voice grew even quieter when I mentioned Wattpad, since it would be embarrassing if any of Dream’s werewolf family heard ‘Wattpad’ and discovered my dark secrets.

“Didn’t we always say bros before hoes?” Karl joked with a laugh as I adjusted myself in Dream’s nest. I pulled a blanket further over myself and Dream (who was still curled up under my hoodie). “Why are you loving Dream more than me? He is a hoe.” It was obviously a joke, and under a better circumstance I would have laughed at Karl’s joke.

Obviously though, my soulmate was in distress. His family was under threat of being overthrown by other members in his pack because of me. First he was my soulmate, something which made him be seen as weaker. Then I went out on my own and got attacked by his grandparents, and he attacked them to defend me.

When he attacked them it meant that he attacked two of the most respected werewolves in his family’s pack. Now he was being punished because of my stupid self. Karl didn’t know what backlash the blond was facing because of things he had done for me. With a sigh I just responded to his joke.

“I love Dream more than you because he gives better kisses!” I teased, sticking my tongue out at the phone even though I knew he couldn’t see.
“No way, I could totally kiss better than him.” Then I heard kissing sounds coming from Karl.

“Don’t let Sapnap know that you are trying to kiss me.” I told him with an eye roll. “Don’t let Dream know either. Both of them will be pissed.”
“I won’t.” Karl replied. “Our kissing will be done in secret.”

Both of us giggled quietly to each other over the phone. The two of us were both trying to keep quiet. I didn’t want to wake the wolf sleeping on my chest, but I wasn’t sure why Karl needed to be quiet.

“So how did you sleep?” He decided to ask, making me let out an awkward, airy chuckle since I had a werewolf on my chest that was basically crushing me.
“Not the best.” I admitted. “My entire body hurts because of Dream. It was so difficult to sleep last night."

"Oh, did you have fun with him?" I could basically hear his smirk from the smugness in his voice as I realised how vague and sexual my words sounded.
"No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant he slept on top of me as a wolf, basically crushed me. He's stressed though so I'm not gonna say anything."

"Why's he stressed?" The smugness in his voice was replaced with concern.
"Family issues." I responded. "Because he attacked his grandparents to protect me. A lot of the other werewolves in the pack hate him for attacking a previous alpha."

"Werewolf dramas sound terrible." Karl sighed. "I understand why you haven't called me before now, it sounds really difficult for you. I wish you both could have help with that." We both didn't know what to say, both just thinking about the bad news I'd told him.
"Anyway, you messaged to tell me you had some good news."

"Oh yes!" He seemed even more excited now. "Sapnap and I have been emailing my school and he has made the short list for getting accepted into the exchange program!”
“That’s great.” I responded, feeling thankful that at least one of us had something go right for them and their soulmate.

“The school said that they have been struggling to find places for exchange students to stay, so since I have a place for Sapnap to stay, and he has proven to be smart and good at sports, he is on the short list.”
“Congrats.” I told him. “You two can be together in person again.”

“I miss being around him.” Karl said, and as he talked I felt Dream moving around, it seemed as though he was awake, or in the process of waking up.
“Y’know how we were talking about coming to visit one another at some point before the holidays ended again?” I asked him. “I was thinking we could come visit.”

“Of course.” The brunette responded. “You are always welcome, and you can finally meet Jimmy, Chandler, and Kris, and they can meet Sapnap, and you, and Dream.”
“Thanks.” I whispered. “Being able to get out of this town for a while might be good for both of us.” A small whimper fell from the wolf as he sat up.

In acknowledgement of the wolf I began brushing my hand through his hair, listening as his tail began weakly thumping against the bed. Karl and I continued chatting with each other and after a while I felt the soft fur in my hand slip away as the blond shifted back into his human form.

“I’m gonna have to go, Karl.” I told my friend. “I’ll call you later though. This might be a good idea.” I told him. We exchanged goodbyes and I hung up before the werewolf climbed into my arms. “Hey,” I greeted him softly as he began inhaling my scent. “How are you feeling?”

He whined out, not giving an actual word in response, causing me to brush my fingers through his hair. “I had an idea.” I told him.
1103 words

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