Chapter 1: New Home

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The bedroom was hot. There was just no other way to describe it. In the heat of the Summer with the doors and windows all shut and locked and curtains drawn to cast the room into darkness. The in-heat omega was curled up on the bed and panting, covered in a mountain of blankets which he had collected to create himself a nest.

Being curled up in these blankets made it even hotter, and Onyx had stripped out of all of his clothes to help combat the heat. ‘Stupid omega instincts’ he cursed, hating the way that he made himself pile up in blankets once every two or three months, but for his own safety he had to do this.

Sure, in the hot weather he could open a window to let some air in, but that would allow any passing by alpha to find out that the albino omega was in heat, and that he was most definitely alone (cause if he had an alpha, they wouldn’t leave him alone during heat). So he would just have to deal with the pain for now.

George POV.

A weird expression always appeared on my face when I was reading stories on Wattpad, or just reading anything in general. It was one that I couldn’t describe but all the people around me just called ‘peculiar’. I realised that I must have been doing that now as I heard my mother giggle.

“What are you doing on that phone George? Cause it’s got you making that peculiar face again.” She asked, looking over at me from where she was sitting in the backseat.
“It’s nothing Mum.” I responded instinctively, pulling the phone closer to me in case she attempted to snatch it and have a look like my school friends would.

I mean she knew what I was doing, reading on Wattpad. I’d found the app a while ago and had read all sorts of stories; horrors, romances, thrillers, fanfictions, even the occasional smutshot if I had nothing else to do. But neither of my parents knew what kind of stuff I did read, especially not stuff like this.

This story was called ‘An Unloved Omega’, and it piqued my curiosity when I saw that it had only been up on the app for a month and already had several hundred thousand reads. Obviously I had to see what all the fuss was about and that was how I discovered omegaverse.

The author was one of the few I followed, he wrote quite a lot of omegaverse stories, or his own spin on the subject where werewolves lived alongside vampires, demons, and all other sorts of creatures. It was quite interesting to read. Especially when you have stuff where a vampire ends up having to learn to live with an alpha werewolf mate.

Currently I am reading a story called ‘An Unloved Omega’. About an omega called Onyx who hates the fact he is an omega and tries to hide it while also on the run from a powerful werewolf pack because his soulmate is the alpha’s son. At least this is what the description said, I was just a few chapters in at the moment.

Suddenly my phone vibrated in my hand as I got a text, and my face lit up when I saw who had sent it. My best, and possibly only friend, Karl. I’d met him while reading one of these stories in the comment section and we started talking on Discord soon after, seeing as we both liked rambling about books we liked but couldn’t really talk about omegaverse freely.

But now that we’d moved from the UK to America I may finally get a chance to meet him, since my parents had decided that we’d move to a small village type town in Florida and he lives in North Carolina. And rest assured, I knew he was not some kind of internet pervert since we’d both shown our faces on call a dozen times.

I read the text, it was asking if I’d gotten to our new home yet, which I obviously had not. The mention caused me to glance out the window, only to see the same trees that we’d been passing for an hour continue to pass us. I figured we were in some sort of forest but I couldn’t tell where. We may be in Florida already, or we may still be in Georgia.

“How far away are we?” I asked, my gaze shifting over to my parents. My father glanced at the GPS in our newly purchased car, the one that he’d brought on online then kept waiting for us in a dealership by the airport for us to pick up as soon as we landed.
“We’re five minutes away.” He answered. “In fact you’ll probably see it just after this corner.”

Before he could say anything else I turned away to quickly type out an answer to my friend on the phone, who replied almost as soon as he read it. It was just a message about how he hoped that I liked my new town and that it meant we could finally meet in real life. I simply sent a heart emoji to show that I also thought it would be cool before I turned off my phone so it didn’t die.

“Who were you messaging honey?” My mother questioned. “Is it one of your school friends from back home?”
“No, it’s Karl. He said that he hopes we like our new home.” I responded.

I had told her about Karl a while ago and while she wasn’t exactly trustworthy of the whole concept of online friends that we haven’t met in real life, she’s grown to trust Karl as much as any of my friends from back in the UK. “You know that once we get settled in we could invite him to come and stay for a week or two in the holidays.” She suggested.

“That’ll be nice.” I absentmindedly responded, staring out the window and not really paying attention to what she was saying as I stared out the window. We were driving fast enough that most of the trees lining the road became a blur, just the odd silhouette of green and brown flashing past the window.

I barely even registered the fact that we were starting to slow down, not until my Dad gave the announcement of ‘we’re here!’ to myself and my mother. Sure enough, up ahead the road opened out slightly, with a path on either side where houses and shops were coming into view.

It was a small town from what I had been told. Only around one thousand people lived here. My dad had heard about the clinic needing a new doctor and decided to move here, saying that it would be a nice break from the rush of London where we had most recently been.

I didn’t see the point of this at all though, a small town which was on barely any maps and with barely anything to do would not be a nice break. Knowing how it would end up, my parents would both be working and I’d just be sitting around the house, only leaving to go to school before coming back home and staying there.

There were some people outside, walking around to their day-to-day life and it made me annoyed. We were outsiders. Because of the size of this small town everyone would know everyone, and those who they did not know, my family, would be people who they wouldn’t want to hang around.

“And this is us!” My father announced again, catching my attention as the car stopped in front of a relatively small two story house. “Welcome to our new home!”
1308 words

George reads omegaverse 😱

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