Chapter 57: Apology

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Sapnap POV.

"That is so not fair! You cheated!" Dream protested, a growl following his accusation which was obviously completely wild and untrue. He set the controller down on the ground and glared over at me while I just sat smugly on the beanbag.
"I did not cheat. Just admit that I am better!" I responded.

"You are not better so there is nothing to admit." Then his voice fell to a murmur. "I just let you win cause I felt bad."
"Let's have another round. I can prove a hundred times over that I am better than you." I smirked, watching as he picked up the controller again.

Before I could start a new round there was knocking at the door and a delicious smell began filling my nose. Dream must have smelt it too as a grin grew on his face. We both set our controllers down and hurried downstairs.

I flung open the front door when I reached it to see two brunette's standing on the doorstep awkwardly. George was giving me a smile however Karl seemed eager to avoid my gaze any way possible. I wanted nothing more than to run towards him and pull him into a hug, however after the way he'd been acting earlier I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

Nobody said anything for a few moments and so George elbowed Karl in the side. "Um... Sapnap..." Karl began awkwardly. "I wanted to apologise for how I was acting earlier. I think you being a werewolf is really awesome but I was just kinda overwhelmed."

He looked so adorable right now, making me want to hug him tightly and tell him that everything was fine, and then also kiss him for good measure. Despite all of those temptations running around in my mind I just smiled. "It's alright. You don't have to apologise for anything. I'd forgive you anyway."

We fell into silence again and I felt happy. I needed to thank George for convincing Karl to give me a second chance, but that could wait until later. If I could wait for a while then I'd buy him an amazing gift, since if it weren't for him then I'd have ended up miserable for the rest of my life with a soulmate who didn't accept me.

"Do you want to come inside?" I offered out to Karl. "We can watch a movie, and talk, and you can ask me any questions that you want."
"That would be nice." He smiled and took my hand as I offered it out to him. Being able to hold his hand was an amazing feeling, making my heart well up with pride.

Dream and George both looked at us with small smiles, seeing how utterly in love I was in that very moment. The blond stepped out of the house and onto the path before Karl stepped inside to stand in his place. Karl took a moment to glance over at George. "Are you alright with me staying with Sapnap for a bit?" He asked. "Just so we can... talk..."

"Of course." George responded. "I'll go and hang out with Dream for the afternoon." Dream seemed completely happy to be spending another afternoon with George and a small grin grew on his face. He wrapped his arm around George's waist and I could see the way that George subtly smiled.

"We'll see you guys later." Dream grinned before walking off with George. I shut the door as they disappeared towards the road before turning to Karl.
"So what are you wanting to do?" I questioned, however he was just busy examining me as though he were some kind of scientist.

"What?" I asked curiously, my brows furrowing as I began to get slightly self conscious.
"Just can't believe that you're a werewolf." He told me. "That's so cool." I beamed proudly at what Karl was saying about me. "Can you like... show me what you look like as a werewolf? If it isn't something that is personal"

"I'd love to show you that." I nodded, gently leading him upstairs with his hand entwined with mine. When we got to my room I sat him down on my bed and stood back. "Yeah, so basically werewolves can shift freely between humans and wolves." I told him, seeing how eager he looked as he nodded. "I won't explain it since it gets confusing, I'll just show you."

After taking a few deep breaths (since I didn't want to mess up in front of my soulmate) I closed my eyes and willed myself to shift. When I opened them again I had gotten a lot smaller, now looking up at the boy as he in turn looked down at me with wide eyes.

My tail began wagging and I padded up to him, standing just short of arm's reach in case Karl didn't want me to touch him. The brunette however was happy to reach out and begin running his hand through my fur. After pushing my head forwards into the touch I pulled a beautiful giggle from his lips.

I jumped up onto the bed and began burying my nose into the crook of his neck. While he continued to stroke my fur I inhaled his scent eagerly which caused my tail to wag even faster and furious-er. "You are so cute." Karl told me as he held my face in his hands, his thumbs tracing over my ears. In response I attempted to lick him in the face.

"And you are gross and slobbery." He laughed, letting me move even closer to him. "I didn't know soulmates were possible but it is awesome that they are." It is awesome, especially since I was lucky enough to get such a beautiful and funny soulmate.

"Your fur is so soft." He told me. "I feel like we could curl up and then I could use you as a pillow." Surprisingly enough I would be okay with that.
Speaking of which I did curl up, putting my head on his lap as my tail continued to thump against the sheets.

"Want to watch a movie or something?" I gave a kind of nod, a way of showing that I very much would like to watch a movie while sitting like this. It was possibly one of the greatest feelings in the world to be able to lay like this. As his hand absentmindedly scratched between my ears he grabbed my remote and opened up Netflix.

Dream POV.

"Are you alright with me staying over at your house for a few hours while Karl and Sapnap are whatever-ing?" George asked. I mean is that even a question?
"I would love for you to stay over at my house." I answered honestly. "You can stay there for the rest of your life if you need."

"I'll keep that in mind." He responded, leaning into me slightly. "So what do you want to do this afternoon?"
I was going to answer before noticing a silver car parked in front of my house. "Oh no." I muttered as I hurried to go and look at it, leaving George behind me.

"Dream?" He asked, running to catch up with me. "What's wrong?" I heard him question.
I looked over to him and I answered. "My grandparents are here."
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