Chapter 51: Smut

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Very creatively named chapter.
George POV.
Smut warning

Feeling fingers pressing against my ass was a strange sensation, and it only got stranger when the blond thrusted two fingers into me at once. I let out a surprised gasp at the almost painful stretch and saw the werewolf freeze instantly.
"George…" Dream spoke in a whine. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I reassured him, knowing he'd be paranoid about everything that happened to me because of his instincts to keep his soulmate away from pain and stuff. It was a nice reassurance for the first time. "You can keep going."

The blond werewolf shuffled somewhat closer to me while he was continuing to stretch me open. I let out a few pained whimpers which I managed to cover up so that Dream wouldn’t get worried. After a few moments though the pain subsided. It felt pleasant and his fingers pushed even further inside of me.

“You’re doing amazing George.” Dream hummed, pressing kisses over my stomach. “My perfect soulmate is so perfect. You look so perfect laying there.” Suddenly his fingers brushed against something which made me moan and throw my head backwards. The blond grinned up at me and pressed his fingers back against the exact same spot.

While that was happening he added a third finger, causing me to squirm. “So pretty.” He hummed. His praises seemed to have the same effect on him like it had on me. “I am so lucky to be with you.” Dream’s fingers pressed against my walls, stretching them out in a way that was both pleasant and painful.

“You all good darling?” He asked. I nodded, my eyes screwed shut. “Do you need any more stretching sweetheart?” I shook my head. “Can I get words sweetie?”
“I’m fine.” I told him. My hips lifted and pushed into his fingers. “Hurry up!”

The blond pulled his fingers out of me. I didn’t say anything, however I whined at the sudden emptiness. “Just a moment sweetie.” His words were soft and loving. My eyes widened and I looked over to see him having pulled the rest of his clothes off while my eyes had been closed.

A blush ran over my face as I looked at him. He was absolutely massive. Would he even fit inside of me? I lewdly watched as he stroked himself with his lube. The blond noticed my gaze and he grinned. “Just a moment.” He reassured before crawling back into the nest. Seemingly not knowing why I was staring.

His hands returned to my thighs and spread them wider. I lifted my hips up closer to him and my head pushed backwards into the pile of fabrics in the nest. The smell of Dream’s deodorant that still was present on his hoodies was amazing. Maybe I didn’t have the super smell of werewolves, but this was more than enough.

The blond lined himself up, keeping eye contact and he continued to kiss my collarbone and chest. “Ready darling?” I just nodded, earning a light growl. “Words George, please,” he reminded me, moving to kiss my cheek.
“I’m ready Dream,” I told him. “Go ahead.”

At that he thrusted into me, causing me to let out a pain filled gasp. The moment that Dream heard me he froze again. His voice dropped to a low whine. “George.” He spoke. His voice was laced with concern and he sounded like a lost child. “Did I hurt you?”
“Yea,” I admitted. “But you can keep going. It’s meant to be painful at first.”

All of the smuts that I had read on Wattpad were like that. There was always a painful stretch at first but it would quickly subside into pleasure. “Keep going,” I repeated when Dream hadn’t moved an inch. He did as I instructed, beginning a slow pace of him thrusting out before pushing back in and I continued to whine out in pain for a few more minutes.

Dream was slow and cautious, clearly worried that I was going to be hurt however I was over that. I wanted him to be rough. “Hurry up.” I tried to groan out, not that he listened. In an attempt to coax him to hurry up I grinded up into him, causing him to let out a groan before taking control of the situation.

He began thrusting into me, somehow hitting my prostate every single time and causing a long string of moans to fall from my lips. My head fell back as our thrusts pushed into each other. The blond hummed while peppering kisses all over me, getting more excited with each moan that fell from my lips

“You are so amazing.” He continued. “I would love to see you just laying here beneath me for the rest of my life.” A kiss was pressed onto my cheek, somehow without even hesitating or faltering in his movements. The blond was stuffing me full. It made me think about the stories which I had read over the past few years.

Dream POV.

A possessive growl fell from my throat as I saw the brunette laying there, moaning from the pleasure. He was absolutely delectable looking. I concluded that it would be amazing for me to just have him here like a piece of art for the rest of my life.

I felt close to cumming. Even though werewolves typically had good stamina (in all areas including sex), being able to fuck my beautiful soulmate made me unwind so quickly. “I-I’m close George.” I told him, kissing him again.

My movements began to stutter and falter, my thoughts running wild at the idea of being able to fill my perfect soulmate. “Are you close?” I asked him. His face was screwed up tightly. I trailed my lips up beside his ear and kissed it softly. “Georgie…” I hummed. “You close sweetheart?”
He nodded, sweat covering his forehead. “Mhm. ‘m close.”

“Good boy.” I praised, loving the way he was squirming beneath me. “You are so perfect for me.”
Although I didn’t want to hurt George I couldn’t resist beginning to gently nip at his neck, wanting to mix the sucked marks with some bites. Seeing him like this was too overwhelming for me and before I even knew it I released inside him.

The human gasped out and let out an almost scream-like moan as I filled him up, my movements not slowing at all as I pushed my cum further into him. He still hadn’t released though and so I continued. My movements were a lot slower now that I’d cummed once and I began kissing him softly again as I continued.

A bulge was appearing and disappearing in his stomach with every thrust, making me feel even more proud of myself. As a way of proudly showing this off I gently cupped George’s hands in my own before pressing them against the bulge and listening to the whine I heard in response.

“Dream-I… fuck…” George’s breath hitched and gentle tears pricked at his eyes. His hands slipped away from mine, moved to my shoulders. and he came over his chest without warning. I didn’t care though, instead just savouring the way that he looked as his body fell back amongst my clothing in the nest.
1266 words

Great. It's going to be a smut chapter trilogy.
1. Making out
2. Hardcore sex
3. Aftercare

Also, no comment from Ezra except that he is almost done his new story under his account EZRAisTHEBEST it's a part 2 to one of the stories.

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