Chapter 96: The Finale

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Before we get to this final chapter written by Ezra I, 4, would like to just say something:

Thanks to all of you for reading this story for 96 chapters. This is officially my second longest book, beating out Action (89 chapters) and the original version of Demons (87 chapters [excluding bonus chapters]) so thanks for hanging around.

Also thanks to EZRAISTHEBEST for the amazing smut as always, and for writing these last few chapters.

And finally thanks to Lellion who made that beautiful cover for this story which is absolutely stunning.

Anyway, time for the story.
George POV.

“I love you so much.” I murmured against Dream’s lips as we embraced with one another. “You are so perfect… this is so perfect.”
“Thank you.” Dream responded, his lips continuing to press against mine.

After a few minutes we stopped holding and kissing and broke apart, looking around the room. We were standing in a small apartment which at the moment was completely clean and empty, but we didn’t plan on keeping it like that for very long. We were going to be decorating it in whatever way we wanted, since this was our new home.

The morning after Dream and I had that late night discussion, we discussed it some more. We then made out (however that is unrelated). Since then we began looking around the city for any affordable apartments, since we didn’t want to have to intrude on Karl and his mother’s home for longer than we needed to.

We managed to find a decent sized apartment just down the road from the school. It was a two bedroom one bathroom and Dream had enough money to buy it. “Can you believe it?” I asked with a smile. “It’s perfect.”
“It is.” He responded, smiling at me. “We’re starting our own lives.”

We had both just turned eighteen a few months ago and were in our final year of school. Now we didn’t have the pressure of leading one of the biggest werewolf packs in America (and the third biggest werewolf pack in the world). The two of us had already come up with a plan for our lives.

The two bedrooms were right beside one another, so we were going to knock a wall down and move the door to connect to the main bedroom so it could be converted into a space for Dream to make a new nest. The living room was also quite big and so we were going to make it a bit smaller by adding an office for us to do our schoolwork in. And these were only two of our ideas.

The apartment was almost directly in between a large local mall, and the school, meaning that we had access to everything we needed on the day to day (new clothes, and food mainly, but there was also an arcade, and a mini golf, and a movie theatre to hang out in, perfect for date night). 

“Think about it George.” He grinned. “This’ll be a place just for us.” He then let go of me and started wandering around the room. “We could put a bookshelf over there against that wall, and a large TV would be able to fit there, and could you just imagine being able to sit in a little nook here in the afternoon sun?”

I watched as he continued to wander around, continuing to make suggestions about how to improve our new home. “Now, that kitchen is really big and beautiful, but perhaps we should make it a bit smaller, since even though I do love to cook for you it does seem a bit excessive to have two sinks and two ovens.”

Watching him like this caused me to giggle before sitting down on the floor. Dream saw this and so he turned to join me, shifting into a wolf and padding over the carpet towards me. “You and I are going to be good.” I hummed. “This place is beautiful. I am so lucky that I get to do this with you.” His tail was wagging fast, but when I talked about how lucky I was, it only sped up more.

For a while we just sat on the floor, looking around a space that was ours, just ours, and belonging to nobody else. It was empty, of course, the only bit of furniture that wasn’t fixed to the wall was a mattress along with some blankets and pillows which Karl’s mother said we could borrow until we managed to go and buy some more.

We were tired from today, so our plan was that tomorrow we’d take a moving van belonging to Karl’s cousin and drive back to Florida. According to Dream, his parents are at a pack council meeting every Sunday lunchtime through to about 6pm, so the two of us plus a lot of our friends would meet at the blond’s to pick up his stuff.

It wasn’t that his parents were a problem. Apparently the pack council would often go over to Dream’s for dinner after a Sunday meeting, and even though there was a bit of a rift in the relationship between the pack council we didn’t want to risk being spotted just in case.

After packing up Dream’s stuff and leaving a goodbye letter with his parents, we’d stay the night at my parents house and pack up my stuff. Then once we either had everything, or the truck was full, we’d come back here and unpack. Anything that we didn’t have we’d go and buy from the mall down the road.

When we were there, we’d each get a part time job, like Friday afternoons and Saturdays. I had eyed up a job at a store called Sunrise Sweets and I’m pretty sure Dream was interested in a dog shelter that’s across the road. “I love you so fucking much.” I muttered to the werewolf. “You are the most amazing person I have ever been able to meet.”

The werewolf let out a small huff and so I rolled my eyes. “I know, you technically aren’t a person.” I said with a nod. “Still doesn’t mean that you aren’t the most amazing person I have ever been able to meet.” After saying that, the fur that had been gliding through my fingers began pulling back, shortening back into human hair instead of wolf hair.

“Thanks.” He smiled. “And you are the best person I’ve ever been able to meet.” We kissed, but that quickly evolved into making out. Our mouths were full of fireworks, fizzes of excitement at the thought of our future together. Not as leaders of packs with a huge legacy being a weight on our shoulders, but instead as a young dumb couple with our whole lives ahead of us.

After a few moments he moved away, pulling me up and dragging me to our bedroom. He lowered me down onto the mattress before connecting our lips in a kiss again, trapping me beneath him at the mercy of his lips. “I love you so fucking much.” He growled close to my ear before gently beginning to nip at my neck.

“Careful.” I reminded him. “We are going back to Florida and I don’t want everyone to know what we’ve been doing.”
“They can smell our scent.” He reminded me. “Even if they can’t see anything they’ll know.”
“Yeah, but my parents won’t.” I replied, however I pushed his face further into my neck.

So I guess this was it. My own sort of real life Wattpad story. Human x werewolf alpha (of the most powerful werewolf pack) certainly does feel like something I’d spend my time reading. It’s just, usually when the human and the werewolf become mates it’s a lot different. The human will be treated like a goddess and be protected, respected, and loved by the entire pack.

I wasn’t that lucky. Instead of being worshipped like so many of the protagonists that I had read before, myself and my mate had to leave our homes and travel states away so that we wouldn’t be harassed by Dream’s pack.

It was somewhat funny as I thought about it. In all of the stories the introduction of the human soulmate was meant to help the werewolf pack, but I did the opposite and completely ruined the pack. Several times I’ve overheard conversations about the alpha being the heart of the pack, but from the moment Dream and I first met I had ripped that heart out.

Obviously it was an accident, but there was even more. I also indirectly ripped out the… other heart… (or maybe a lung or a stomach or something) since I introduced Sapnap to Karl, removing the packs beta.

As I was pulled into another kiss by the blond I couldn’t help but think. The most powerful pack in the United States was brought down by two teenagers in love. And it was a powerful feeling.
1509 words

Now go read my new story.

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